Keep throwing gear around and reward continuous play

You remind me of someone that goes online and reads everything you can possibly find on the internet about the human body then thinks you can perform brain surgery better than someone that went to school for a decade.

Btw parabens weren’t proven to have any ill affects, they found parabens in the same cells as cancer by a single study, but there was also water so I’m assuming water causes cancer too.
Also grain free pet food is killing your pets, it’s causing heart damage.

Again with the over exaggerating.

If you’re putting in an equal amount of time as me but you’re doing mythic raids and I’m farming WQ, I GUARANTEE that you are going to have way better gear than me. Unless I have a horseshoe, nay 10 horseshoes plus a few dozen rabbits feet up my yingyang.

Sounds like a fun night

And you speak like you’re my first victim of said surgery :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

You are being rewarded appropriately for the content you’re doing, that’s all I’m saying. even more so with how the tf/wf system works and the quantity of gear available.

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Okay. So imagine wiping 300-500 times on a boss and then finally downing them over the course of multiple weeks/months and getting a gear drop. You then go and do an invasion and get a Mythic ilvl titanforged item. After putting in all that work, people feel like it’s a waste to make serious pushes when you can get to the same result with much less effort within the same tier.

And before you or anyone say anything along the lines of…

“You raid for fun”


“You’re only doing it for the challenge”

…answer me this. If we were to pluck away all the gear from raiding, would it be just as successful?

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I wouldn’t play wow if it was like that jalen, I loved vanilla and being a casual player that only leveled an did bgs but that’s my only thing left in this game I like which is mythic raiding, m+ ish “was better/more enjoyable in legion”. and gold making and obviously gear is the only reward I like in raid to be valuable although it doesn’t matter like it did back then.

If we were to pluck all the gear away from casuals would it be successful?

You haven’t made a point here

I find it funny that the people who want the good gear without doing hard content keep saying “why you care so much about gear people” to people who say this is eroding the effort vs reward structure of the game. When it’s blatantly obvious that they do care about gear because they want so much to be as geared as the people who do cutting edge content.


I need you to answer my question

I did, you’re just refusing to see my answer

So true, they can’t take the truth. Which is why I find a lot of people in these forums to be snowflakes. They get the truth thrown in their face then they leave or whine about it even more.

You should only be rewarded for the content you’re doing. There’s no reason for the casual player not pushing cutting edge content to have that gear when the top end raiders do. Top end raiders need it to push content. That’s how this game works, on a system of progression.

Now there should be a ceiling, or inclusivity, to PvP gear since that presents a roadblock, or barrier, to entry and an advantage over the other player directly. Although, is there even such a thing as PvP gear being relevant anymore?

No it’s not. The question I asked is a yes or no question. I’m not deciphering anything. If you wish to dance around the answer I’ll consider it a no

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Eh pvp/pve gear doesn’t matter, I miss the good old days of clearing end game content then going into pvp and destroying them.

Miss using my torch of the damned, or ragnaros hammer from cata etc.

I don’t want to be geared as much as a mythic raider, that would be ludicrous.

I do want some reward for my time playing though.

It’s you elitists that don’t want us to have anything for our efforts

Mythic + cache, titanforging/warforging while doing the content you’re already doing. You have opportunities to get upgrades and I see people running around with 425 pieces from lfr/norm/heroic raids/m+

It’s gone so far that heroic raiding has been completely invalidated. There are people in my guild the same ilvl as me who have never stepped into normal let alone heroic raiding.