Keep throwing gear around and reward continuous play

Well that’s sort of true currently to a point, a lot of the better pvpers will get a base set like 350 and go into pvp and gear there, they never touch m+ or raids.

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You sir/mam/dining room table, whatever you identify as, are correct!!!

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But that’s why there’s sinister crafted gear. Most of the higher end pvpers will only ever buy a full set then go straight to pvping to push rating.

Wish they’d bring servers up already, waiting to see how much gold I made today. I already cleared 1.2 mill this week.

I just wish you were matched on gear level. I think BG would be a lot more fun.

Tbh I think pvp should always be skill based, but they have a hard time tuning classes to be competitive with eachother. Some classes are better for different things and more desirable. 420 ret pally does some crazy single target and pretty decent aoe, usually do average of 35-40k dps throughout a dungeon on the overall dps meter but I have no utility to provide other than bop and some decent off heals. Rogues always preferred over that.

You seem to brag about that a lot.

That’s the first time I said anything about how much gold I’ve made. You seem to make assumptions.

The only conversation/statement I’ve ever made on forums about gold is that it’s more enjoyable than the current content.

Why do non-raiders WANT high level gear? I mean, let’s talk about that because there is this assumption that they just want the best stuff for no work, or that they can’t stand raiders having nice things. But is that really the issue for most non-raiders? I don’t think it is.

The real issue is two-pronged: 1. Scaling has made higher level gear feel very important in order to feel one is getting stronger OUT IN THE WORLD. 2. Gear is one of the few significant rewards left in the game.

When professions mattered, and the world was bigger, and the game had more adventuring out in the world, the highest gear was less of a big deal for non-raiders. We were content to get LFR gear, maybe get some currency to upgrade it at some point. We felt more powerful out in the world as we leveled so it was fine.

I’ve been playing a long time. When I out-leveled Hogger it felt like great progress. I was not thinking that I had to have the gear raiders had. I had other stuff to do that was fun.

Blame Blizzard for the whole gearing thing. They used to make a big game with progression for all sorts of players. Post-MoP they screwed that up and have continued doing so in various ways.

(RiP the great MoP frog massacre to upgrade gear)

No no no no no

You’re the one in here saying we shouldn’t be rewarded for our time, only if we’re “willing” to do top content.

You say you don’t care? Then stop posting your bs about casuals getting gear upgrades.

You obviously care, although I can’t seem to figure out why me getting gear upgrades affects you in any way.

And if you actually are an adult working 60 hours a week why can you not comprehend that people have responsibilities that don’t allow for set Raif schedules? We shouldn’t even be having this conversation.

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Actually it isn’t. That’s why I remembered you talking about it in a gold-making thread a few weeks ago.

If casuals are able to reach his ilvl, he has nothing in his life that he can think he’s good at. That’s probably why he is so salty

Ok if you say so it feels Great man because nomatter how much you cry about the loot system in place its not changeing ever in retail WoW BFA is that good enough for u sir?And The 8.2 patch coming proves that even more.

You don’t seem to understand, you are being rewarded for your time, actually over rewarded.
As far as not caring, the only thing I care about is that if I put in 8 hrs a week to barely clear mythic raid before the next major patch/expansion that you had better be putting in the same or more effort than I am. Not doing world quests for 35 minutes a day then expecting to reap the same reward.

I don’t care if you reach my ilvl if you’re good enough to do the content it’s contained in, but obviously that’s the problem here. You expect to get the same reward for less effort/time/exp/skill.

A couple years ago, my sons friend got Xbox one. He was the only one in the group to have it.

At Xmas time we got our son one and a couple of his other friends got one too.

Instead of being happy that he could now play Xbox one with his friends, the first kid was upset that everyone “copied” him.

This guy reminds me of that kid

Link it to me, and I wouldn’t say

being said twice in 3 weeks to be a lot.

It’s getting better, any progress is good progress