Keep throwing gear around and reward continuous play

Who’s offended? Not me lol. I was in a back and forth earlier and we both made our points without throwing insults at each other.

You come into a forum that said something you disagree with and start telling people to quit, saying we don’t need/deserve any progression, exaggerating about how easy everything is, talk about how elite you are etc and then get all like “you started it!”

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It was a generalization. Wasn’t anyone in particular.

Your progress as the current game sits, if you don’t put in the effort time and or have the skill to do mythic then would be heroic lfr/norm/heroic raid. If you’re at the end of your progression as it currently sits up to that point then yeah you have nothing else to do. Although you do, mythic and or farm content for the hopes of a titanforged piece.

Again, my current gear ilvl400 is less then your ilvl415 gear in HP and DPS thus making you more proficient with every encounter.

My point earlier isn’t to reward you ilvl415 in a day. It should be one item per week by giving you more points with dailies. If you run a RAID, you probably get 1 or 3 ilvl415 per week with bonus rolls. How is this greed on the casual players?

I wasn’t exaggerating either, it is very easy to gear your toon for the content you want to do. But not everyone’s the same and I accept that, some people on jaina know how everything works in the first 100 pulls, some need 200 or more. Same thing goes for everything in the game on how easily you acquire things.

I agree to an extent. I don’t have issues with the people who dedicate there time to Mythic having much better gear. I see nothing wrong with slowly earning normal quality raid gear with a chance to forge into heroic level. The raiders will still have better overall gear in the long run and probably better stat allocation.

I want a goose that lays golden eggs for easter.
I also want a oompaloompa.


Again, gear has nothing to do with mechanics. Give the casual what they want and if you want harder content your reward is achievement.

So Method is recognize as world first isn’t because of their gear. It’s their achievement. Don’t make gear an issue.

I really couldn’t care less about achievements, I don’t care let alone know anyone’s name in the higher end guilds.

I have a 370 ilevel in 3 days just doing watfronts and WQ. The rewards are getting better as my gear does. I just received a upgraded belt at ilevel 400 from a warfront. Now that i understand how loot progresses im fine with how it works.

I’ve been in a few top 50 guilds over the years and have cleared content at the time but I don’t care if I’m #1 or #200 to kill the same content.

It’s not worth the effort/time to be in a top guild, I’d rather be in a decent guild that clears content over a longer period of time than within the first few weeks and have nothing to do the rest of the expansion.

Why is that? Mythic dungeons only exist so Ion and his cronies can gear up even faster for mythic raiding. (Which is why all the malarkey about personal loot and claims of doing it to slow down hardcore raiders is such a colossal joke and blatant lie.)

The design of this game revolves 100% around raiding. Everything else exists to either support it or to throw a bone to fool non-raiding saps into continuing to pay. Just look how much support warfronts and island expeditions gain in comparison for all the proof one needs of their design priorities and who they’re focused on player-wise.

Again you’re assuming people aren’t doing mythic for skill reasons. There are plenty of skilled casuals who can’t commit to raiding for various reasons.

Because you can’t seem to wrap your head around that idea, I’m going to have to assume you’re just a kid at home with no real life responsibilities. Therefore, nothing you say has merit because you have no clue what it’s like to have real life responsibilities that don’t allow for set raid schedules.

I’m not a highly skilled player, I’m just ok. I will never do mythic raids and I’m ok with that. But I’m not going to continually play a game for no reward. It would be like playing Mario and doing the same stage over and over and over. What’s the point? We need a carrot on a stick to keep us coming back.

You elitists need to get over yourselves, you’re not as special as you’d like to believe.

I have faith that one day you’ll expand your vocabulary and pretend to be an adult that is able to add something of substance to a thread instead if just spamming the same line over and over.

You got this, man.

I agree, but what people are misunderstanding. Whether someones end game ends at norm/heroic raid or someone else ends at mythic, the players in the lower bracket still has content to do but most of the time doesn’t want to put in the time/effort to get there.

Although if you only like pet battling I’m sure that gets old fast, I would personally think you’d be better off spending 15$ a month on a new ds/gameboy game every release for new content than the same old thing. Not saying I want you to quit but if you’re complaining about not having anything to do it’s more of a you should rethink your situation in my opinion.

It only gets to ilvl400. You will not get ilvl415. You can in a month doing dailies if you scrap. You won’t get the other 415slot too unless you buy it from auction or craft them. This doesn’t guarantee all the slots like ring/trinket/belt/etc…

I’m simply stating that they should reward us more points so that this process can go quicker and not take like 4 months.

No Daddy I don’t want just any old squirrel, I want one of those!

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I work 60+ hrs a week, making almost 25$ an hr what are you talking about. As far as the rest of it you didn’t even bother to read I don’t care what stage you’re at but don’t complain about there being nothing to do when there’s obviously higher end/more difficult content you could have a goal for doing.

The only real place i see 400+ gear making a difference to me is in BG. I dont raid, im a over the road trucker. With ilev 370 i can do anything i need to, but die quickly to someone who has raid level gear in pvp. O liked the idea they used before. Pvp gear for pvp, and raid gear for raids.