Keep throwing gear around and reward continuous play

There you go. Type 2 troll. A raider posing as a casual to start a flame war. And you took him up on it.

I’m not triggered, having a discussion with a snowflake that apparently thinks every opposing statement/discussion is wrong.

HAHAHAHAHA… I can’t breathe…


Actually that was a PvPer which generally means troll.

LFR lol. World quests are where the real challenges are at.

You know when the people on the opposite side of a conversation has nothing left when they start attacking you and your bank toon lol.

Calling someone a snowflake while your whining yourself is hilarious :joy:

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I would say someone not being able to consider someone elses opinion then getting mad at them a snowflake yes and I may be using it differently than what it was initially meant for but that’s what it means to me. I feel not unlike ben shapiro, you guys are the people holding up the signs and yelling at me during a conference.

What I don’t understand is if you can’t have a conversation without being offended in the first place on a public forum then why’d you go there in the first place. There’s counselors/therapists for that, they get paid to hear your bs without offending you.

Calling a casual player a snowflake is pretty stupid. Sounds like elitism must be on your head. Trust me, I was more elitism then you can ever be but I choose not to anymore because I like to enjoy life too. This doesn’t mean I don’t like to play WOW in my off-time.


I’m not saying you shouldn’t play wow at any difficulty level whether you play for an hr or 24/7. But not being able to consider another opinion then whining about it and or logging off or then insulting the other party, I would say that’s a perfect example of a snowflake.

But lets be serious if the only difficulty level on lets say darksouls you can complete is easy, do you really deserve rewards from hard mode.

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What does elitism or hardcore has to do with gear level? I keep telling you that gear level doesn’t mean squat on how difficult the game can be. It’s mechanics that makes the game harder. You don’t need higher lvl gear to do difficult game content.

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Just because you have your GED should you be getting paid the same amount as the CEO of the same company you work in

If you don’t do challenging content then you shouldn’t be getting challenging gear. Period.

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Gear has always been a motivating factor in this game one way or another, so are you saying gear shouldn’t matter anymore although it barely does at this current state in the game. So if you do lfr and get 400 ilvl gear and you do mythic you get 400 ilvl gear. What would the reward for doing mythic be especially if you like having better gear?

And if gear doesn’t matter and you’re able to do your world quests with the current gear you have then why would you want better gear to do the same content which you can already do?

Feels great man!

The only point in having better gear for higher end content is so you have a slightly longer error margin, that’s it.

Not happening ------->8.2 patch.