Karazhan shorter reset

Can we see if we can get Karazhan lock out reset to be shorter.

Maybe have it on a 3 day reset like ZG use to be. It’s already older content and prince doesn’t drop 2x tier pieces like it does in gruul/mag. Plus it’s the only 10man raid. Just think it more people would be happy with it being on a shorter reset like ZG use to be.


I’ve always thought it’s interesting how vanilla was the only time there were raids that didn’t reset weekly.


That seems like it would be a reasonable change, imo.


Doesn’t za have a 3 day reset?

I seem to recall it being a week.

Soon eniugh, raids will be dropping badges. Maybe that’s a reason they won’t do 3 day resets?

just add in the badge drops

ZA did in fact have a 3 day reset.

maybe on tbc season of mastery

go away

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