Kalimdor Cup is Awesome


Where’s the vendor?

Valdrakken at the Rostrum of Transformation.


In Valdrakken, by the rostrum. You can also pick up the quest there as well.

Apart from the tiny little dopamine hit you get because of nostalgia what is different from the races we already have in the dragon isles?

They are harder, imo. More weaving through obstacles and emphasis on speed. Makes them more fun.


Yeah they are fun.

Only downside is that there is no daily quest to do races for bonus coins.

Basically if you want the outfit, you have to grind the races over and over again to get the 140 coins to get it. And with 1 coin per race per reward level, it can take a while and get annoying.


If you have a lot of alts, I recommend using each to do the quest for the 10 bonus coins and buying 1 piece of mog each.

Most pieces cost 25 badges, so just need to get 15 from the 3 quest races and turn in the quest. Much more efficient than trying to grind 140 on 1 toon

Booo! Stinky cheese strat.

The tiny little dopamine hit is what makes the game worth playing, and life worth living. (Things that give a great big dopamine hit generally both give less of a hit over time, and also are hazardous and harmful to one’s health.)

That TMOG looks oddly good on a gnome.


Im only wearing the helm, chest, and belt. The shoulders match but are from a different leather set. The shoulders from the actual event set are horrible

So can you do the regular race over and over to get more coins, or once you have gold on the regular race, you can only get coins from the reverse or advanced races?

I think you can only do the race once per toon, per difficulty. There is a quest by the rostrum as well in Valdrakken.

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You only get 1 coin per level (Bronze-Silver-Gold) per difficulty per race per character.




If you have alts between 60 and 70, they can all do the quest and get 10 coins from races. That will give them 20 coins to buy a piece of the set. At least that is what I did yesterday and this morning.

Spoilers I guess?

Datamines found “cup” assets a few months ago for every landmass, from Outland to the “Great Seas” (KT and Zanda) to Shadowlands. Every expansion will almost certainly have a cup at some point.

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currency rewards/cosmetic rewards

I think the courses are actually a lot more fun than the DF courses. There’s much more weaving through the environment than the DF races. Azshara is a literal roller coaster.

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wtb teal scales for the other dragon riding mounts