Just verifying GDKPs aren't against Cataclysm Terms of Service

No, I wanted gold. I saw people taking part in RMT and stopped doing GDKPs, hence why you have to dig to 2019 Classic to see my logs.

Buy more gold, loser LOL

You have to pay for carries, so sad

Judging by your logs you’re the one who paid for carries.


Imagine turning a game for fun into a game about RMT and a number on a third party site.

Keeping paying for pixels, loser

You’re Literally a green parsing pure buyer lmfao

hypocritical socks are my favorite kind

its all ogre

Yeah, and I stopped doing them after like 2 GDKPs because I saw all the RMTers. Now with my insight I want GDKP banned because we all know it’s RMT.

Imagine defending RMT. You all need to touch grass frfr ong

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The case against GDKP is straight forward. It destroys the economy and in any decent MMO you shouldn’t be able to buy the best stuff with real money. Simple.

Disturbing to me that someone buying items for sums near or exceeding the gold cap (apparently common too) seems totally fine to some people. Like what the actual heck do you mean it’s fine?!

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How does it destroy the economy?

Pretty obvious how it does. Make a character on any GDKP infested server. Run to the AH and click search. Seriously, I don’t think there is any possible defense that it doesn’t.

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What items specifically?

where has anyone defended rmt?

I don’t think there is any possible way to prove it does but i’m going to enjoy watching you try

Cata is cheaper than wrath and its very simple why, the majority of the population that existed in wrath doesn’t exist anymore and the ultimate form of wow gold sinks occured, players quit the game and left their gold dormant

I think he knows he’s wrong now and won’t respond.

I love how people just keep saying gdkps inflate the economy.

I like how GDKP pots are multiple times larger than gold cap and RMT losers act like they aren’t the main driver for RMT. Wash your tears away with g2g gold LOL

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And it shouldnt be. That is another positive about gdkp. Even the lazy players that want to raid log and not put any effort into makimg gold will eventually make enough to start bidding. But not until i already have what i want. Then i get my share of thier gold. Which was really my gold to begin with. But because i actually play the game, i get rewarded 1st. But the real genious of gdkp is that for anyone that disagrees with them, JUST DONT DO THEM. And stop crying because someone else is doing something you dont want to do.

tldr you love RMT… LMFAO

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The price of green beans is what has impacted the housing shortage. You can prove this by going into any grocery store in any city and see that the price of beans is higher and therefore created a housing shortage.

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And noone would care if you left. Yet the game would somehow be better off…

Game would be better off for only the worst and most toxic players clamoring to ban stuff. But then they would start another crusade and try to get the next thing banned because they don’t like seeing other people enjoying themselves.

Imagine if GDKPs where actually played the way they where intended to be where the RAID LEAD didnt take a 10-20% cut of the pot and require 100k min bank to join. GDKPs are based off the DKP but over time they’ve been ruined by greedy players. People lead and run a GDKP just to make gold off people and not only for the loot. if players didnt take any sort of cut to lead the raid and leads didnt require certain amount of gold to run the raid. it wouldnt be as toxic but the playstlye has been ruined by greedy and toxic players over the years and your one of those players who ruined GDKPs even if you cant admit it


The first based anti gdkp take I’ve ever seen and I couldn’t agree more. GDKP as a fundamentals is the best loot system, in reality a mixture of NEETS and thirdies, both doing it to eat, run a good 1/3 if not more of the gdkp scene.

If people had self respect they wouldn’t join these runs but hey if people had self respect boe hr trash farms would also be empty.

Gdkp for me when I run it is a no cut or small cut for crucial roles, I do no mins what so ever and primarily use the system to get butts in seats. It’s really helpful in 40 mans especially.

Yet the reailty of the pug scene is most pug gdkp discords are ran by esl thirdies who say bro too much and are just there to steal gold off the topic/pocket as much as possible to sell to them top 1% whales who never stop buying.

Imagine if blizz actually cleaned this up, the paradise gdkp could be.