<Just People> [US] [H] [Illidan] [AOTC] 9/10N, Mythic +, Mythic Raid Progression

  • Horde (Illidan)

*Current Progression: (12/9/20) - 3/10N
(12/10/20) - 5/10N
(12/14/20) - 10/10N ; 1/10H
(12/16/20) - n/a

  • Raid Schedule: Wed/Thurs/(Clean up Sunday) 7:00pm Server - 10:00pm
    8:00pm EST - 11pm EST

  • We are an adult community of talented and Goal-oriented individuals, everyone that comes to raid earns their spot. Progression - Driven is the guild mentality, but we want to have fun while doing it. We’re casually hardcore individuals who enjoy every part of content WoW has to offer. We value mechanics highly here, as numbers come with gear and time. If you’re interested in Raid progression, or Mythic +, or just a friendly community of skilled players you just might find what you’re looking for here.

The current Average Item Level of our Raiders is 190+
While all classes and individuals are welcome to join the guild, our core raid team would greatly benefit from the following classes.
Progression Raid Needs:

  • Healing: Resto Druid, Holy Priest, Disc Priest

  • Ranged DPS: Shadow Priest, Boomkin

  • Melee DPS: Warrior, Enhance Shaman,

Rules: This goes without saying but our guild is an online community of individuals from all across the world. While we are all adults there are lines that shouldn’t be crossed so please maintain that courtesy, Language is fine, and jokes can go back and forth, but we aren’t interested in individuals who are going to bring nothing but toxicity.

Contact me for any more info @ btag: Pirt#1309 ; Discord: JustPirt#5971

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