What is the worst state you’ve ever seen a class in? Doesn’t have to be Rogue specifically, but in terms of bugs which one is the most egregious offender?
The reason I ask is because I believe we’re up to something like 5 maybe 6 bugs now on this class. There’s two stealth bugs, grapple hook, BtE, Bubbling Wax and I’m sure there’s more that I’ve missed.
I also remember that DC bug that DH’s had a while back, that had to be infuriating.
Out of all the classes i’ve played, it’s ussually been rogue with the buggiest mechanics, mostly revolving around stealth. We just happen to have even more stuff going on at the moment. DH fel rush bug was and is still a problem.
Outside of that, Druid Flight form which is still GIGA bugged just gives me constant d/cs when gathering (3-4 per hour easily).
Ret paladin in TBC? :V
Or disc priest in Shadowlands, maybe.
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Druids and Paladins in Classic had basically non-functional specs. Feral, Ret, Holy were all terrible. You would be hard press to find them in harder content typically only brought for niche reasons. You had your designated Druid to cast Tranquility ( raid level heals we’re just not a thing back then) or Battle Rez.
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It’s September 27th, going on over a month since TWW release, and Blizzard still hasn’t even acknowledged the BtE bug.
It’s literally hopeless.
rogue has always been the buggiest class. submitting angry bug reports or GM tickets from the BG graveyard is a core class mechanic.
it’s definitely gotten worse in the last few years though.
I know yall don’t actually play the spec but it’s not even a new issue it’s been around ever since the most recent rework so over a year now. They know it exists they just have no idea how to even fix it to begin with which is literally the entire reason why they’re making BTE reset on restealth next month.
No I’m talking about the “gun jam” bugged where you hit BtE and it doesn’t do anything.
I definitely play the spec buddy
That one’s technically not new either. It’s just that it’s come back worse than ever.
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That bug has existed since legion.
When the old True Bearing buff was rolled you could do BTE back to back to back but it would sometimes show it was available as a CD when it was on cooldown when True Bearing was dropped as a buff.
Eventually True Bearing was nerfed and some CDR was baked baseline to the spec.
As others have said, yeah. It’s been around on-and-off for most of the existence of the spec.
It was exacerbated and infinitely more likely to happen with the changes introducing Crackshot during out half-rework in Dragonflight. It’s been buggy in this state for almost a year, and was fixed for maybe 2 or 3 months during a period between the mid-season 4 cycle and the PTR hero talent addition. As soon as they added hero talents back, they broke it again. And it’s gotten slowly progressively worse since.
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Current Rogue or early vanilla resto Shaman.
Early Resto Shaman, before they redid the talents and buffed Earthfury, was the most garbage thing I’ve ever seen in a video game. You went OOM in 2 seconds doing anything.
My first MC raid I ever did, you know what my role was as Resto Sham? I would stand 60 yards away behind a pillar or whatever, then run up and rez people if they died. Back then you could rez while in combat with a boss, it was the most fried game play, I was like there is no way Blizzard intends for this to be like this and they got rid of it before BWL launched. The first ever raiders in this game were cheesing like no tomorrow.
Shamans were Horde only and they were ignored for a while because of Vanilla hype. Similar to how Rogues are treated with kid gloves because of the Cata Rogue legendaries since then when any Rogue balance pass is done.
That precipitated the MoP general nerf across the board for Rogue. Not until the second patch of MoP did Rogues fully regain momentum and buffs with popularity and fun factor in playing.
By mid expansion Rogues in TWW will be in better shape but how much better is a different story!
That and maybe drop your Fire Resistance Totem or Mana Tide.
Oh yeah for sure. If you didn’t spec Mana Tide, the GM was whispering you. Literally happened to me and this was way after MC launched, this was like AQ was on farm. If you didn’t drop Fire Resist, you were literally screamed at in Ventrilo.