Just me or are birds getting louder in game?

have you asked the age old question… ‘WHAT ARE THESE BIRDS DOING HERE?’

And just like that, the final end boss of TWW has been revealed:

Be afraid, be very afraid!

/moo :cow:


Interesting. I feel like my ambient sounds have been louder lately. I have a surround sound setup and I like the ambient noises. I just wasn’t sure if they actually were louder.

Those are some high quality pixels.

A group of Duck worshippers would probably be called a Flock

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I thought a flock was that thing with 3 hands that tells time. Are you talking about a dock?

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why would you post a picture of this monster? im litterally shaking rn fr fr

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Non-Combat Class: Bird

You Have Skyriding and 3 abilities that just make bird calls.
You are considered neutral to non-Bird players.
Have fun when a Mage casts that 24H Polymorph on Critters.

Your sole source of experience is exploration experience.
You become a 5% bigger bird every level up.

At level 30, you unlock the ability to Dive-Bomb races shorter than Blood Elves, dealing 0 Damage and putting them in combat for 10 seconds. This is the real reason people think there is a “stuck in combat” bug.


The birds dont bother me but the frogs and crickets at the Emberwatch in Ohnaran plains makes me take my headphones off it is so incredibly loud. i had not noticed the same effect with bird sounds.
I live by a creek and our frogs are not nearly that loud, blizzard should take the amplifiers and wawa pedals away from the frogs there.

I don’t think I have misophonia, but warcraft sure makes me feel like I do.

The repetitive sound design drives me up the wall.

Does this mean we will get Legendaries in every slot from this raid boss?

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Speaking of cool ambience I love the sounds in Zuldazar. Feels like being in Jurassic Park.


The birds aren’t.

The borbs are.

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This is what happens when you activate Sky net. Now there is terminators in bird form now. People wouldn’t listen to the smart folks saying AI is a bad idea. Now look at this.

AI is not your friend.


Why would the Alliance bother spying on the the horde? The last time you even had a “warchief”, even they literally said you are nothing.

They’re attempting to take Azeroth for themselves.
Beware, the birds are coming! …just ask any BM Hunter.

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In actuality — The birds (primarily the ducks) orchestrated the Jailor and thus — just about everything else in WoW :eyes:

Me either. I am jealous. I like birds.

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I have a much more efficient way of doing that :wink:

If your name is from Nothing to Lose, I love it. I’M NICK BEAM! xD

Promise I’m not a bird. /coughcaw

That perfect! :star_struck: fly around, explore, dive bomb people! Must be the best bird i can be! :peacock: