Just logged in for 35 min. . . then logged out in disgust

I can tell you that nobody cares about your book.

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Oh look another casual here to come defend you, they travel in herds I heard.

Also if you didn’t care you would’ve moved on without saying anything about my book so obviously you do care.
Lets be honest though the first 3 are a joke.

thoughts and prayers

What’ll cure that is just not doing BFA content
at all.
I havent in weeks and weeks and weeks.
IF and when they can make a good expansion, after a few months and reading some reviews to be sure, I might try it out

But everyone likes the RNG! Isn’t this what we asked for?

No, I get it. It’s another layer of protection for you. You’re able to perch up and be superman on your bank toon. Very tough. How is the new raid? Quit before that even came out.


With how much of a joke your account is my alt I played in legion for a month would out do it so I’m not worried.

Sure thing big guy. You showed me!

Like I said I don’t understand how you can stay sane doing only world quests, correcting grammar and skimming through forums thinking you’re better than anyone else.

For those gear levels, you may want to run heroics or mythic. I have had no luck in that gear level either. I do not run dungeons so I have what I have and it is fine until classic is here. Oh, Not this character, but on a couple others. Still leveling this toon.

That’s just it the guy thinks doing world quests, getting a full set of what 385 welfare gear for a couple hrs of work. Then redoing the world quests after reset that he should get upgrades.
Wow has changed over the years but it has always been you level up questing/dungeons while acquiring a base set of gear, you then either upgrade that set of gear from crafted or higher difficulty dungeon gear. Then once you get a high enough set from dungeons then you head into raids. You don’t just do world quests and expect to get 425 pieces, although it happens but it’s quite rare to win like 8 rolls in a roll for one piece to get there in ilvl in the first place.

Gearing is a joke in general, legion is my best example cause I don’t much care for alts anymore. I was fully mythic geared on my main, I wanted to roll a warrior cause they were pretty fun and did a ton of damage and actually out dpsed my main in lower ilvl gear.
I played it for at most a month but I geared it in 3 weeks that surpassed my mains ilvl and it out dpsed my main by a ton and it never stepped into a mythic raid. Got lucky on a few pieces with the wf/tf system but not super lucky either.

People don’t want an upgrade with every single attempt.

What we are upset about is going through the process of getting caches and finishing weekly quests/boxes. . . only to get the same 395 ilevel 7th legion boots for the 5th time in a row. The RNG is terrible in the current gearing system.

I’ve said it before. I wouldn’t mind it taking 10x longer to GET a single piece if WHILE I WAS playing I felt as if I was progressing toward it in a meaningful way.

Accumulating currency to spend at a vendor accomplishes this.

Raids are different than RNG chests (or WERE) because even if the boss doesn’t drop the item YOU need. . . it drops something good for SOMEONE. . . so the raid benefits overall. PVP and Solo reward systems don’t have this. . . hence. . . when you roll terrible RNG 4-5 times in a row you realize that you WASTED your time trying to progress. You may say that progression isn’t something that anyone should focus on. . . but it matters quite a lot, so such arguments are silly.

I just don’t want to feel like I’m wasting my time trying to do what is fun for me. . . progressing gear to try and be competitive at higher tier pvp content. Is that such a bad thing for me to be asking for?

Yes, this game isn’t meant to be progressed. It’s meant to be enjoyed. I feel like they RNG system has ruined what people used to find fun.

Sad really. Supposed to run content because you enjoy doing it


Imagine being upset because you got 4 chances at gear upgrades in 35 minutes on a single day

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I understand that if you want to play this game to enjoy it. But you have to play the game how it was created. If you want better gear go do dungeons/raids.

To be honest most of the player base is like this guy and won’t last more than a month in classic when it comes out and I find it funny as hell that people are this spoiled that they get 4 pieces of gear in 35 minutes. I remember going 3+ months in vanilla without getting any gear.

This thread is one of the reasons why WoW is dying, imagine complaining about free gear because it wasn’t what you wanted all while the upgrades you seek can be gathered through raiding, mythic + or PvP.

Single player mindset in a multiplayer game, so asinine.

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Lol, Thank you

I feel they cater too much to the casual player base, personally I would scale it back. I’d get rid of the weekly mythic caches along with the quests from your order hall in legion where you get an extra piece of loot for killing a boss in a raid. I’d get rid of titanforging, warforging isn’t as bad but it’s still quite annoying running SOO 60+ times and seeing the polearm in there warforge once.

I’d make it so gear mattered again and the only way you could obtain end game gear is by doing end game content. There would be a big gap between the gear between difficulties, I’d remove lfr cause most people afk through it anyway and that’s not experiencing the content anyway.
End raid achievements/mount/gear would matter again and you’d be rewarded for your time/effort instead of given freebies for logging in that day.

As far as mythic + goes I’d adjust it so it actually mattered if you did a 20+ key. Farming points on a 3rd party website doesn’t appeal to me nor does farming pvp past gladiator after getting the mount/achieves/mog/enchants etc. I don’t mind people gearing in m+ but it shouldn’t be equivalent to end game raid gear where you need to be able to organize 20+ people to clear and it’s repeatable and farmable.

There are quite a few other things that blizzard has changed over the years that need to be either tuned/tweaked but I’m trying to stay on topic of the gearing process in wow. Also crafted gear is in a good place at least in my opinion, they’re mainly only there to give you a minor boost for specific pieces prior to raiding etc.

To OP I fell your pain.

I have been stuck at 399 ilvl going on I think 4 months now. I have run all the raids, some of the dungeons, all the darkshore warfront thingys, and ever ilvl 400 drop quest I can get.

I need a pair of legs or a wrist. I am so sick to death of running quests daily for 4 months to get a shoulder or helm every single time. Oh sure I can trade ilvl 400 gear in for pocket chaange and some titan residium and all I can buy with that is
a helm, a shoulder , or a chest.

I hae played WoW faithfully since Burning Crusade but Im getting burned out week after week running quests to get gear only to get the same crap over and over and over that I cant use. its infuriating.