Just logged in for 35 min. . . then logged out in disgust

To be honest I liked the old way of gearing, if you weren’t doing the highest difficulty in a raid you didn’t get the best gear. It all changed when they introduced warforging/titanforging. I personally don’t think most of you deserve the gear you get because you got lucky with the dice, they should’ve gotten rid of warforging/titanforging long ago or at least put a cap on it. lfr can only go up to normal base, normal to heroic base and heroic to mythic base.
That would at least give gear some meaning again like it used to be. I remember sitting on my raid mount in full end game gear and getting dozens if not hundreds of pms a day from the casual player base that had neither the skill/time or the motivation to put in the effort to find a raiding guild. I really find it disgusting people whining about not getting upgrades from casual content, also those that are too lazy to find a raiding guild to get raid geared. It’s not that difficult and you don’t need to put thousands of hours in to gearing either, Legion for example I was fully mythic geared on my main with almost bis everything. I made a warrior alt and geared it up in heroic content and mythic + and it eventually outgeared my main and out dpsed it in 3 weeks at most, can’t get upgrades are you joking.

I read some of what you tried to clarify. Get gud and do the actual content like raids/dungeons for gear. Wqs are for casuals that waste time and level, or those that like to reroll just to pvp and get a base set of gear to start.

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Because it’s no different from day 1 of the raid tier release?

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As a lifelong casual I don’t think “deserve” enters the equation anywhere, but the scaling world quest rewards are interesting. It was great as a way to get to the point that I could try warfronts, but once I got to ilvl 340 I had, as far as I know, access to any content I might want to try in the game. I like making numbers go up, sure, but it doesn’t really impact my game experience at this point; I’m curious what the motivation behind the design decision was, I assume it was for people trying to fill slots they were denied by RNG in other areas.

I feel like you’re playing for gear. Which isn’t a bad thing, I used to play for gear. Making your character stronger feels good (man). The issue is that when you have a lot of outlets for easy “good” gear, it becomes just another part of the game. You have to ask why you want the gear. Do you want to zip around the world doing menial content faster? Gear in pvp doesn’t matter, so it can’t be that. Raids? Why are you raiding and not doing m+ for gear?

See, that’s how convoluted playing for gear can get that quickly.

My suggestion is to take a break. Play Path of Exile or Warframe. Something that isn’t this. Grinding for gear before __.2 is suboptimal.

And remember, keep your arms and legs in the cart at all times. Can’t have you going off the rails in the slightest for this theme park game.

LOL - try running 10 man Stratholm about 23 times hoping for a tier 0 set piece. You kids these days…

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Awww Poor OP were the free gear hand outs not enough for you? Lets make it so every day you log in you have a 400 ilvl piece waiting for you in your mailbox that will be guarenteed to be a slot you need. Better?

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Took my wife like 50 runs to get her priest hat.

Yeah I agree gear doesn’t matter as much as it did back in the day but I don’t find questing/leveling/wqs/islands or any of the casual crap enjoyable. As far as m+ there isn’t a reward for doing higher and higher keys and doing even higher keys isn’t enjoyable after legion.
Did over 1600+ m+s the first 6 months of legion and got burned out, that’s my fault. But contributing to your guilds success in downing content is the last bit of enjoyment I have in this game other than playing the auction house.

I swear I’ve had more enjoyment sniping 350-425 pieces of gear for 30-150g than playing in bfa other than raiding. As far as farming m+ for io score, that sounds retarded to me tbh. I mean sure if I wanted I could go through my full bnet list of people from legion m+s and get a 3k io score if I wanted but why bother, you gain nothing from it. You’d be better off getting gladiator from pvp for the mount/titles etc. than farming io for nothing in hopes of an item to titanforge/warforge. I’d rather spam 10s as fast as humanly possible to get that upgrade than doing 20 keys but that’s just me. I’m not saying pushing io is bad for those that like to push, it’s just not for me.

Not sure if I posted it in this thread but I do miss the old days where you’d be one of the few hardcore raiders on realm with the raid mount and gear, you’d get so much attention and it actually meant something to have that gear. Now you can gear out in a matter of weeks compared to months and you don’t even need to do end game raiding to get that gear.

Kind of idiotic to say it’s sub optimal to want to gear your character. If your only goal is to get better gear then you’re basically saying why even bother playing?

There are very few aspects to this game that are enjoyable anymore and gearing is one of them that I like, but I don’t much care to push io score for no reward other than a 3rd party scoring system. I mean I have dozens and dozens of people on my bnet I could go and get a 3k io in but why bother, I already pushed to my hearts content in legion.

Pvp has never appealed to me other than on a few occasions and when ever I want to get the mount, and it also feels pointless at a certain point to just keep grinding away 10 points at a time. I’m not saying it isn’t fun to a certain extent but for an example would you rather work 8 hrs a day for free or get paid for it.

That last part brings me to my other vice when it comes to wow which is gold making. I just love sniping items from people because they mispriced something or flipping etc.
But as far as the game as a whole not even just my self but most of the player base isn’t enjoying it to how it was in previous expansions.

I personally think the only enjoyment people are having at the moment excluding maybe playing with their buddies in dungeons/raids is casuals questing that care about lore.

It is not a waste of time if they cared.

I guess since they refuse to engage with the customers in their own forums, why should I think they would one day? Because I hold out hope they will care.

I hope that activision will change the mentality into one that cares about the customer.

Good advice

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Are we still acting like running dungeons or LFR are harder than hoping for a warforge from doing as many WQ’s as you can every day, and getting two pieces of 400 gear from warfronts every month? It’s all about time, and it takes a considerable amount of time and effort to hit 400 without doing raids and mythics.

It’s silly how many people whine about others getting gear from doing world quests as if it’s just welfare gear, when it’s faster and easier to get carried to a higher item level doing dungeons and basic raiding. It’s crazy that the person who did it via WQ’s and warfronts almost certainly spent more time playing to get their gear, but gets labeled as the lazy one.


Hey, look at you! Getting my point and stuff. Good for you! Also, suboptimal is one word. Getting bored with WoW? I hear English is hard to master!

I want to say that PvP in this game has been a blast but this expansion hasn’t been kind to it.

Too much pruning and balancing issues. I think it can be salvaged though with next expansion

Oh look the grammar police in wow I’ve never seen one of those before. Must be fun to sub to a game to correct peoples english but also be trash at the same time. I can recommend some carries for you if you’d like.

To be honest I’m literally confused why you play, looking at your armory you don’t raid, you don’t pvp, what do you do correct grammar while doing world quests? I mean yeah it must be suboptimal to gear for normal heroic progression I guess.

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You’re delusional. Market saturation exists.

World quests are meant to give you welfare gear but if you expect to get a 425 piece for every 35 minutes spent in game you’re delusional. This is the problem with the titanforging system, you don’t even need to be good but just have some lucky dice.

That’s how wow has always been, you quest to get a base set of gear or crafted gear then you do dungeons for higher ilvl/better gear then you raid.

Delusional? I’m not the one comparing market saturation to gearing in a video game. Further explanation of your thoughts instead of essentially saying, “you’re dumb, market saturation” would be great.

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I actually haven’t played wow in months now. See ya in 8.2, maybe. I’m certainly more progressed than a level 13 character.

Man that was such a burn, targeting my bank toon. I seriously don’t understand how casuals can stand wow when they struggle to do a simple 10 each week let alone even get into a mythic raid. 1/9mythic isn’t even considered mythic raiding in my book, hell unless you’re 4/9 or higher you aren’t even raiding at least in bod.

But I guess it’s inevitable that players like you would exist in general otherwise you wouldn’t see any carry spam in trade.