Just leveled a priest, which is better spec?

Completely agreed, but so much of what people complain about is easily solved with numbers or could be speaking to a gameplay frustration, but not a mechanical design problem or disadvantage.

For example, I could say that Premonition is a terribly-designed ability within the context of the greater game and go off about how much I hate that Blizzard is pushing it so hard, but that doesn’t mean that oracle has some unique disadvantage because of it. Problems like having no kick and a bad dispel profile are irrefutable that can only be addressed by changing priest (giving it a kick or the ability to dispel poison or curse), other classes (narrowing other class dispel profiles or removing kicks from more classes), or the game (reducing the number of required kicks, reducing the power and prominence of curses and poisons, or increasing the prominence and power of diseases).

Similarly, arcane mages are constantly frustrated by the state of the spec for reasons that are understandable, but not objectively problematic in the same way, and the weaknesses of the spec are common among many other specs as well. At the same time, arcane mages have the privilege of being mages and the amazing core kit that comes with it. Their complaints are entirely about gameplay preference, a frequently changing rotation, or tuning, all of which are valid things to complain about in the same way that complaining about Dark Ascension/Void Eruption preferences are, but not in the same way as foundational priest design problems are.

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Umm hmm. Filing you with the “priest is ok because of class identity/flavor” crowd. You keep on adjusting your perception and see how often the boss goes down due to your new, positive outlook.

Holy Priests used to top damage in solo shuffles and blow people up in an opener.


Blizzard nerfed it, but it can still pump out a fair bit.

Archon can dish out even more than Oracle with Halo.

Start holy if ur going to heal. Disc damage is not great and the likely reason you were being killed by one in pvp is gear.

Disc is probably one of the hardest heal specs to learn and play effectively, especially in non-pvp content.

My Holy Moly priest pvp’s and get her butt kicked because they want me dead right away, or I’ll heal my whole team and they will never die. I have survived 3 on me with the holy priest in Korrak of all places. Holy is the way to go for healing as a priest. It’s not for everyone, and everyone will blame you when you are dead because they are losing the game. It will always be your fault for their poor judgement when they strike. They will run away from you and blame you for their death.

If you do a great job no one cares but you and you have to pat yourself on the back and say I did my very best work. They won’t think that they want to know why that DK can out heal a holy priest. You’ll find yourself thinking you walked in to a room with people bouncing around off the walls like they crazy and can not think logically to get a pvp run done. Again they will blame you for not healing them when they ran away from you.

I actually have a message I drop in slash BG that says “Stop Running Away From Your Healer!!!”

I play the Shadow priest when I want to do damage, I played a Disc grinding up to 70 for kicks. You’re always going to have fun if you love being someone that can save people. Try not to get offended by people yelling at you all the time.

And Good Luck Spock!

I would highly suggest waiting on priest.

Pretty much every non-class gameplay change for TWW has been really damning to the priest playstyle and spell kit and they just announced more nerfs to the healing specs. Aimed to make each worse at the content they excelled in but better at the content they were the worst in. Shadow is just being ignored outright currently.

It’s not that Priest is “the worst ever” right now, but its definitely not in focus and is likely going to be getting some pretty major overhauls in the near-ish future. It’s just one of the worst times to start playing a priest, especially Shadow.