Just got Teebus scorching straight sword item level 350

I’ve gotten 2 of those in the first month of bfa…bout crapped my pants.

I thought finding and buying the crimson death charger for 8k back in the day was a total steal. This definitely trumps my find.

Grats friend.


Grats always wanted that for transmog but could never afford it or find it.

IDK man good luck selling it.

Been rough on Frostwolf US selling Sinister stuff.

I got a pair of bracers out of an island and I was super excited to be able to sell them. But no one needs bracers.

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Congrats! Pretty rare find


Personally, I would keep it for transmog.


How much gold would it cost to get all Boas for all classes to 110 max level ?

I am assuming this Rare should pay for it all or am forgetting something ?

Congrats! :v: :v:

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I’ve yet to see anything of interest drop… FeelsRngMan

Only worth 50k on my server

What server you on ??? Must be a poor server or too rich if stuff is barely worth any gold ?

Malganis huge population.

I got Teebus warforged 360 but no one buy in AH i just used in my paladin
i hate my server FeelsBadMan.

The gold is nice but that tmog… I’d equip it in a heartbeat. lol


Oh, thanks for the reminder. I got one of these a while back and stuck it in my bank while I decided whether to sell it or mog it myself … and then forgot all about it. D’OH!

congratulations, nice mog.
that’s not a real hard to find rare.
the cook and the dinos, farm them, in one or 2 hours you should get the sword.
160k is cheap however, i’ll buy it anytime at that price and sell it for 250+
20k gold is probably a poor 2 hours of farming / crafting.

ya man poor op haha, he has no idea the odds or actually selling that for 100k+ are pretty low
theres no economy left anymore, been nerfed out,so people dont spend like they used to for vanity things like this i find : /

Your right so far it has not sold yet…Cries

I was so exicted when I got it but now I will give it a full week then will just use it for a transmog or vendor it since its basically garbage…

What happened to economy anways people ususally buy rare stuff right up…