Just call it what it is, it's sharding

Yea, but that’s what layering is supposed to get rid of, server merging. Your model is no different than the old static servers back in the day. Except they don’t exist anymore.

Makes sense. Was just a quick example. How many layers it will be, I have no concrete fact on. I am not that savvy regarding server tech and what it takes. 2 or 3 layers sounds reasonable, with 3k pop max per layer. Depending on how many they expect to disappear down the road.

The Layers are supposed to be able to “support an entire realm’s worth of population” in Classic. So each layer then presumably equals 1 realm worth of player population.

When you start adding in the factor of the expectation that many/most players will quit with between 0 to 30-ish hours /played(before leveling into their 20’s), and their use a 3rd/4th/5th “layer” after the first day or so of the realm server going online become ill advised. At that point measures should be pursued to discourage new players from joining those “older realms,” or otherwise encouraging others already on it to move to a different/newer one.

Basically it’s going to be a very dynamic process that will need to be monitored closely by people in Blizzard’s network operations center. What may be true for one realm at a given time during “the launch window” may not be true for another one.

Aye, just glad it ain’t my job :wink:

Maybe I’m just getting freaking old and don’t understand modern slang. Like my Daughter 19 saying crap like “mood” about everything…

WTF is a zoomer?

Seriously dude.

I feel like I’m taking CRAZY PILLS. “OH thank god there’s no sharding, layering is amazing - it works so perfectly!”



As per one dev interview, it actually is an optimized/branched version of Sharding 0.5 as first seen in Warlords of Draenor.

It just doesn’t get as far into the nitty gritty of things like subsequent versions of Sharding did in WoD and onward. It deliberately remains “chunky”(continent wide) rather than becoming super-creamy(specific areas of specific zones).

Your mom is a yikes for me dawg

K so what you’re telling us is that you won’t be playing Classic?

Cool story

I, for one, do not miss laggy, broken servers due to overpopulated zones. I do not miss fighting with 100 other people for a single mob-tag to complete a single quest. I do not miss landing at a bat/griffon flightmaster and instantly disconnecting due to TM vs SS overcrowding and not being able to log in until some 24 hours later.

If you were there at the beginning of WoW, you know of what I speak and it was horrible.

I WELCOME some of these quality of life enhancements. They make the game PLAYABLE.

Ogres have layers.

You get your wish - enjoy your game.

Layering IS server merging, but with elements of sharding and CRZ. Layers on a server allow Blizzard to share the name database amongst entire server populations to facilitate a later merge. Layers are servers within a server.

Isn’t static servers exactly what the Classic community has been asking for? We want a persistent population that isn’t shuffled or hidden by Blizzard’s crappy tech. This is why sharding and CRZ are hated by the community, and why layering is detrimental as well.

I can live with layers being merged, but not with being swapped among entire server populations on login.

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You little liar. They literally enabled cross-realm zoning, and you’re still calling it “just sharding”.

Probably. It is really not my kind of field tbh. But as I understood Ion, the dynamics layering comes with, seemed important to what they are trying to accomplish. So far, I just want to play, without too much fuss down the line. How it is accomplished, is secondary to me, as long as it is short term temporarily.

IKR, I feel like we’re being gaslighted.

Layering has the worst hallmarks of CRZ and sharding, just not as severe. Except now it’s not limited to the starting zones and can last weeks or even months.


Layering needed to be given a different name, even if it is essentially sharding, because it behaves in a different enough manner to warrant a different descriptor for people to use in shorthand.

The CRZ problem was the player population pool expanded into the tens/hundreds of thousands or even millions. That is the penultimate “just another face in the crowd.”

Layering does expand the play population pool, but I highly doubt that Blizzard is going to use it to expand the realm populations to anything close to what many of the Private Servers commonly do by all reports.

Which makes that complaint rather weird. “I’m not happy with Layering because it causes the realm player population to become too large. So I’m going to go play on a private server instead. Where they have a realm player population that probably even doubles the population target Blizzard is likely to aim for during their ‘launch window.’”

Btw this is really not a “new” technology, its exactly what BDO (Black Desert Online) does. The only difference is you can choose to move freely. Where this appears to dynamically place you. Now I’m not sure what the criteria is on placements for the layers but it kinda bums me out that its just another people moving technology.

But hopfully it all works out. I like to play

Here is what I hear, (read) whine complain* RABBLE RABBLE RABBLE* BACK TO THE PILE, THEY TOOK ER LAYERS


Even if it is… It’s still glorious.