Not having Dungeon Finder has hindered Classic from reaching its true potential in popularity.
New 80 on eranikus. I CANNOT find groups even at 80. It’s all H+ stuff and raids which I’m not geared for. I can’t gear for them because my pre-raid bis involves running normal heroics.
The game is dead without RDF.
It was utterly obvious this is what would happen. Months ago we knew this is how it would play out.
Just common sense stuff. The Classic Team are incompetent or just…don’t care.
I have 2 80s, but enjoying DF more at the moment and since I played a ton of wotlk on pserv in recent years my interest is low. However I would like to level an enhancement shaman but not without RDF / J J
Everyone occasionally makes a mistake. You’re one of the few people here who have ever admitted making one. Thanks for engaging in honest debate here.
The anti-rdf trolls like to repeat lies over and over in the hopes people who don’t know any better believe them. So it’s understandable. They do that about many things.
That’s fair. Not everybody enjoys the leveling experience in general. I know I certainly (say) I don’t!
I do have some low level characters that I’ll run an instance on here and there though. Like, my level 19 main bank alt that I’ll probably bring to 20 in an SFK run soon, just so I can mount between the bank and the AH lol.
How do you find the time? I also have 2 80s, and have been so busy since P2 launched! I expected a couple of weeks of somewhat extended hours, but 10m and 25m scheduled raids on 2 characters, and trying to get profession dailies and H+ dailies is probably a bit more than my weekly time budget for games.
The unemployment boss is strong
Leveling has never been the strength of classic and no RDF is awful, they should also have JJ. While the last lead was noble towards defending his people, hopefully the next person will bring a pro-RDF mindset and add it.
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