Jump Off is currently 5/8H LOC and is a semi-hardcore raiding guild, playing on Zul’Jin Horde. At our core is a group of players that have raided together for years now, with many joining us early on in Shadowlands. We’ve successfully pushed mythic raids in previous tiers, and intend to continue that effort in TWW!
Outside of raid we’re very active on Discord and are frequently running Mythic+. We enjoy having fun, and don’t take ourselves too seriously. That said, we enjoy competition and pushing each other to be a little better every time.
Our goal is to recruit like-minded players, create a fun yet progressive atmosphere and to push into deep mythic.
Raid Times
Raid times are Tues/Thurs 8-11 pm EST
Recruitment Needs<
Melee DPS: DH , Ret, WW monk, War
Ranged DPS Hunter, Dev Evoker , Warlock, S Priest, Boomy
Healers Mw monk or R druid, H Priest
Our recruitment needs are kept up to date here. However, even if we’re not actively recruiting for your class/spec, Reach out to us! We are always willing to talk to exceptional players.
How to Apply
feel free to reach out to anyone listed below:
Rizzloe (GM): Jrzo#1414 (Bnet) or Rizzloe#2582 (Discord)