"Jump Off" 6/8H Tues/Thurs 8-11pm EST LFM Mythic Roster

Mage, Warrior (DPS), Rogue. LETS GO

Join us tonight for a trial!

looking for a mage!

to the top!

Trial spots still open for this week! Very competitive roster.

wtb mage or boomy!!

Lets go, back in action!

Let’s kill some bosses!

looking for that dps!

Bump up the post!

Looking for a DH atm!

Looking for those dps !

Looking for more quality DPS!

looking for that sweet sweet dps for the start of next tier. lets go!!

Just gonna bump this here.

WTB Resto Druid

He’s playing PoE. Bother him now!

Looking for that dps!

Still looking for DPS for next tier! :slight_smile:

Hey guys looking for a mythic progressions guild 413 WW Monk and 413 Havoc DH can main either o and I have a pally but he need some love lol hit me up !

skittles#12815 BT
Meta#4118 Disc