Journey's End

That’s a pretty impressive commitment. I could only manage 1 of each mount before I stopped. I’ve been working on getting the colored “plasma” swords… 50 kills on Xy’rath and counting :open_mouth:


I’m done because I had zero interest in most of those pets and mounts. I made the ones I cared to make— two were ruined by redoing the mount animations, so that made me care even less.


They were anticipating the space frogs return.

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Congrats, though I guess this means I can’t get my hopes up for an increase in drop rates later in the patch.

I’m still making slow steady progress, but I’m expecting to fall a couple short and end up with a bag a reagents gathering dust in the back of an alt’s bank for the rest of time,


Well, congratulations! I’m in the ‘give up because the dratted rare item requirements don’t drop’ camp.

At this point, I do the ZM weekly on my druid until I get it to max rep (why I’m doing that I don’t know.) and then go play something else, like Skyrim.

I had been leveling and gearing my alts but as all I can mostly do is have them send all genesis motes to my main to create pets to sell, there isn’t much incentive to bother. :stuck_out_tongue:


good job! i have just been doing nothing interesting or hard or cool. like leveling random alts for no good reason and playing hearthstone and sleeping and being sick.


It only taking 3 months during a 12 month long drought to completely exhaust the single-player open-world grind makes me doubt the whining from certain folks that mote farming takes too long.

If you’re an open-world player, you just beat the game and have nothing left to do now. At least if you raid or do M+ there’s parsing or climbing IO, or if you PvP trying to get your PvP rating up.

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Grats, I love the new ZM mounts and pets. I have a few more mounts but I’m almost done. It was a pretty good design for those that wanted to do it and easily dropped by those who did not.

There is not much after, I don’t think. It is a designed Dead End. Any further rewards are minimal, maybe sell your extra lattices but don’t go farm them!

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My only gripe with the system is that genesis motes don’t drop enough. Drops need to be multiplied by 3 to 5 times.


It was fun for the first mount. It wasn’t fun when I hit like 10k kills for the vespoid lattice with no drop.

Congratulations. I would take a break.

Isn’t it depressing that some of these achievements leave such a bad taste in your mouth that you can’t fully enjoy them?

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Yeah, for sure. Whatever you do, don’t discard they glimmers, lattices or the rare crafting materials. Send them to an alt if they’re filling up your bags too much.

Aannnddd this is why I am not even exalted with that faction out there yet.

Can’t even stand Slands.

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I used to feel jealousy for others’ achievements, like yourself. So, yeah, I understand.

Don’t get bitter, get better!

I made the mounts I wanted, but most were eh or I couldn’t get the rare items to drop for a month straight so gave up. Only one left I wanted was one of the wasp colors, but I did get another variant of the wasp mount so it’s all good.

Spider is all I really wanted though. :slight_smile: And the walking speed snail cause it’s neat.

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The lupine I know. What was the second?

Talbuk mounts were ruined in 9.1.5.

Why do you do it then?

Swing and a miss champ.

In the many worlds hypothesis, somewhere there is planet whose very existence hangs in the balance as a result of this information.

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