<Journey> Semi-hardcore | Server region: NA (PST) | Server type: PvE | Faction: Alliance

Stress test day, lets make it happen!!

Stress test in full effect!

Tamika in full effect!

DONā€™T STOP! BELIEVIN!!! (Iā€™m not in your guildā€¦just had a musical moment thatā€™s allā€¦plus a courtesy bump because you guys seem alright to me) :slight_smile: :sunglasses:

1 Like

Haha thanks man! :+1::grinning:

65 days to go!

Join us for the classic Journey!

Where my resto druids at??

Cool people only

Good Sunday Morning Azeroth!

Let us know if you have any questions! Recruitment priority updated.

64 days left!!

Numbers are looking good. Only a few more slots left for our pre-classic goal

Resto druids and hunters!

Sitting at 39 now whoā€™s gonna be #40?

62 Days left!

Good evening Azeroth!!

Let us know if you have any questions!

Good Morning Azeroth :stuck_out_tongue:

Still looking for a couple of priests and hunters; other classes on a case by case basis