Josh Greenfield on GDKPs in recent interview

Somewhat racist, and completely subjective. I just went through 4 separate layer changes on Wild Growth and saw one mage outside of Stockades summoning water.

And this is in somehow your pearl-grasp implication that GDKP’s being banned are the reason?

People are playing one-to-two toons to 40 for raiding, and have realized long-term it’s more intelligent to wait for the 50% exp buff that was introduced as phase-catch-up before leveling alts.

Additionally 1-25 was what… 3 hours? 25-40 takes considerably more time.

Again… complete butt-pull personal-opinion and situation heavily manipulated to suit narrative. Maybe these people already profiteered from RMTDKP and are now spending their “totally legit brooo trust me broooooo” gold into gold sinks/mounts.

You’re literally just making things up and going “NO IT’S TRUE BECAUSE I THINK SO IT’S A SAFE BET” with zero information/statistics, then trying to argue your personal opinions as if they’re fact.

TL;DR - Sorry you can’t RMT, or directly profit from other people RMT’ing anymore under some fake guise of ignorance claiming “lul dudnt knaow it wuz rmt” anymore. Blizzard, and the entire community have exposed your entire set up as a laundering circus.

Wait, no I’m not sorry.

People need to stop acting like leveling in classic is hard or even long. Hell even the first 20 levels, no joke, only takes 6 hours.

Being bad is no excuse.

They launder through the ah too, we should ban that as well

Bring back gdkps!

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Those people aren’t playing the game though lol.


We all don’t mage farm dungeons. Sorry.

You don’t need to. You just simply barely play the game.


I don’t buy mage dungeon farming boosts either, so also wrong.

I quested to 40 in 7 days on 5 work days dude you just aren’t even trying.

That’s why nobody considers your demographic relevant in relation to population metrics


You really do sound like an idiot here.

What’s my demographic?

Following me around i must have hit a nerve. Ill be laughing all the way to the bank in 40 mans while you quit voer it

The group of people who take half a phase to get max level


“hehehehe stupid casuals playing this game centered around casuals. I’ll have you know I got off my job at Target and ignored my entire family to race to max level so I can blue parse in Gnomer”

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Oh you are MAD!


it must suck to know you wont be around in p4. the sinking ship mentality already setting in

Homie left his job at 7/11 to come home to his studio apartment and play WoW till his eyes bled.

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brother I’ll be around regardless and outperforming you in 10s 20s 40s it doesn’t matter

“i cant argue with his point, so I will instead insult him”

Youre still an irrelevant metric to population

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The copium in this post is so thick.

Sorry I don’t speak Mcflurry

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