Join <AVALANCHE> 9/9 H 1/9 M Semi Casual LF More for our raid team!

Wait, its rummie’s birthday?


Also, can a healer please join our raid so we can have friendship time?! PLEASE?!

Bexxatron is my hero! Jk he is a nerd, a pretty cool one though.

It’s raaaaaaiiiiiiiiiiid night! Come kill mythic bosses with us!

Oh and happy birthday Rummie!

It’s Rummie’s birthday?!

Still looking to add a few more solid players to our roster!

we need healers please

Still looking for more people to join us!

lets do this

I hear splashing people with rain is fun!

Still looking for some solid DPS/Heals to fill our ranks to kill stuff!

Added you.