Jan 16 patch

So…is the patch coming up the one that lets us Dracthyr use the dragon riding system for our soar at long last or is that yet to come?

Yeah that’s the one.

It’s not just an observer though.

We are getting:

1 - Observers (5 colors);
2 - New colors for Darkglare (4 new colors);
3 - Durumu (boss in Throne of Thunder);
4 - New colors for the Tyrant (4 new colors);

I wish they’d give us a few more things (like Argus Shivarra and a Felwalker) but it’s enough :smiley:

Yall dont have hair?

Ya hair lol

Sliders are not going to happen. Second Life went from a WoW like avi they call “Classic” to a modern style they call “Mesh” which has sliders but it was a major rewrite.

Of course Linden Labs had an advantage that Blizzard does not have. In Second Life it’s the “members” (i.e. the players) who create the content so the development team can concentrate on the mechanics of the game.

If Blizzard were to make a change like this it would probably mean a two year period with an “expansion” which did not include new content, only a switch over to the new technology.

I say there should be gnome and goblin demon hunters and also give gnomes the option of the worgen curse corgens ftw.

give trolls the ability to show boots

“Don’t you guys have hair”

They use it in a really…lazy…manner