Jaina's character progression discussion

You are extremely combative, I wasn’t even replying to you.

How so? You made a statement on a forum and I responded. How is that being combative?

It wasn’t the act of responding that I took issue with. It was its contents.
I am not going to confront you. I got better things to do.

Alright babes, you do you.

Basically anyone saying the War of the Thorns against the Night Elves was justified because of Genn’s assassination attempt on Sylvanas.

Was that said in here? I must have missed it.

Since you want to bring it up, she is justified to go to war when an Alliance leader attempts to assassinate her. I don’t necessarily think Night Elves were a justified target for that grievance but she would have been completely justified going to war against Gilneas or Stormwind (since Anduin decided not to publicly address it).

There are examples of the exact opposite in this thread. People are willing to hold Blood Elves/Sunreavers to a standard they won’t for other races/organizations.

I think there is a difference between justifying an action versus ascribing guilt.