Jaina is here!

I swear the kid who shows up in Kindergarten as “Lord Herne” has no relation… and will probably get bullied…

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Grats! Now get some sleep while you can


sleeping and having kids? you’re a funny one.


Atleast its not this guy



Sheesh, and I thought my IRL name was bad… (let’s just say my dad gave me his first AND last name, among the many many crimes he committed)

Hold up, gaylord is a town in the state i live in. How can you sue your parents for naming you after a town?

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Why is it sad? Jaina is just an alternative to Jane with roots in Hebrew. Nobody who doesn’t play wow will even know. I had a friend in school named Jaina before wow was even thought of.

Better than naming her Hermione as that will be more obvious than Jaina

What if he named his daughter Chromie?

I know a Jana

My apologies, I did not check the Hebrew forums and assumed he announced this on the WoW General Forums because it had something to do with the WoW character, Jaina Proudmoore.


this is why naming should be looked at before confirmation.

you should sue yer mayor for allowing that town to be named that still.

naming kids after popular media characters has always been kind of cringe, not gonna lie.

like luke and leia.

but welcome to jaina

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Jaina is a real life name isn’t it? It’s just well-known from Warcraft.

Awwwww how cute!!! Congratulations :blush:

Maybe he announced it on the forums for the same reason ppl announce on social media, you know, to tell people he talks to regularly the good news.

I was merely pointing out that the name has existed long before WoW. Why do you need to be such a troll? Can’t you just say congratulations and move on?

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Sorry OP… 90% sure your kid is a dreadlord…

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If Legit congrats on your little one may she bring you lots of happiness. This coming from a father of 5 girls.

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