Jaina is a hypocrite complaining about a bomb

Since American drop, two nukes and the sitting president did not get a charge. I say your point moot at best. In fact it was seen as a way to end the war by both sides. While at it explain how burning and targeting a race on your side not as bad. Let completely forget her intention was to secure the city. Till one night elf enrage her and suarfang failed to do his job. There was no intent. Alliance can sure twist stuff.

We’re obviously not playing the same game if you think that… Um I pretty much think everything the Horde has suffered at her hands has been deserved and then some… I just can’t wait to serve the icing to the cake when I get to kill your waifu

And why do you think no other country or even U.S. have dropped another one since then?

Easy. Because of the result of that and wiling of America to do it again. It made a powerful statement. Do not mess with Americans. Despite recent events. It has shown the world Americans are not the kind who go easy. It is full born madness. That is the reason why everyone tiptoes around them. Well, that is what I was taught in school.

Jaina helped and assisted the Horde in Theramore, she didn’t think the Orcs were evil.

The Horde bombed Theramore killing children and innocent people.

The Horde burned down Teldrassil.

Then the Alliance fight back and kill a lot of the Horde and the King of Zandalar.

Where is the hypocrite part?


That’s called a show of force. Same reason Korea does weapon testing close to Japan, or that supposed earthquake machine. Although armies know try to keep there tech hidden. Slyvanas probably will not do more tragic things then teldrassil if she gets her redemption arc. I hope she stays our ally and succesfully drives a wedge between the alliance. It is frustrating joining together and lookimg for excuses to start the war again. How many leaders will the horde have to go through vs us knowing Anduin will be alive and well in the future.

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Agree. It has to stop. It very hard to actually enjoy your side with rotating war chiefs. It is bad enough the alliance/developers make us look like idiots. I am satrting to want them to stop all none sense.

I agree with all of this but am out of likes.


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Those hands aren’t as clean as you think.

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Went through the OP on that thread. About 3 of the 12 points are valid. Also none of them come close to the magnitude of some of the Horde’s atrocities.

1 . The night elves that are part of the alliance are the ones that fought against Azshara and the demons.

3 . Arthas was prince of Loardaeron. The forsaken claim to still be the people of Lardaeron. You can’t say “I want the stuff I had in life, except the prince, he’s your problem now and you’re responsible for everything he did”.

4 . Nerzhul would still be around to keep the scourge going and he’s just get some other sap to take Frostmourne. Secondly if people are to be blamed for not stopping stuff then the Horde can’t avoid responsibility for Garrosh like they did at the end of MoP.

5 . Onyxia was manipulating both sides to create conflict.

6 . Onyxia was not an Alliance member. She was an imposter/invader.

8 . Turajo has been debunked so many times.

9 . Genn knew about Sylvanas’ plans from a journal you find during Azuna questing.

10 . If Uther/Jaina/Muradin are meant to be held accountable for not stopping Arthas then the Sunreavers are at fault for not stopping Garrosh.

Bonus: Medivh was possessed by Sargeras and was trying to resist him.

So basically you can have points 2,7 and 11. 2 is kind of iffy since it was the Horde that did the killing. 7 never affected the Horde. So only 11 is unambiguously in the Horde’s favour.


I disagree with some of them too, but it took me literally ten seconds to google and skim over it when this guy is trying to say everything the Alliance does is good.

I just got tired of repeating the same references, such as the kidnapping/attempted assassination of Thrall, the abandoning of the forsaken/blood elves during dire times, the enslavement of the orcs…

I got more, but you get the point. Both factions have done bad things.

Edit: for 9, Genn didn’t know the specifics, iirc. He still broke a ceasefire.

I agree that both faction have done bad things, I just think the balance is kind of skewed. It should be grey and gray morality but instead we have grey and black morality.

The alliance didn’t abandon anyone. They were directly massacred by the scourge invasion just like the high elves were. The only human kindom that wasn’t were from the south.

The orcs being put into camps was mercy. Those same orcs ravaged the entire eastern kingdoms.

The thing about all these alliance “bad things” you point it is that they’re always with reason and in response to something

The excuse that somehow the horde and alliance have both done a fair share of wrong is ridiculous. That’s like comparing a kindergartener pushing a kid in a playground vs a serial killer slaughtering a bunch of children.


None of those are “atrocities” though and not even against the horde.

The OP is using examples like Arthas and Azshara who were single individuals who betrayed their kind and lost their way. Also he even points out things that happened when the alliance didn’t even exist.
Very phew of his examples are relevant due to not being directed to the horde whereas pretty much every horde atrocious act is directed towards the alliance by the entire faction.

It’s very easy to see this.

For example: I don’t use Gul’dan as an example of horde doing horrible things, because he betrayed the horde long before the current horde was established.


The Alliance blew up part of the Zandalari fleet. What does fleet mean? “a country’s navy” navy meaning military operations at sea. The Zandalari are with the Horde and thus in the middle of a war with the Alliance. <

No, they’re not. The Horde are trying to woo the Zandalari in order to gain access to the fleet. The Horde are helping the Zandalari - NOT the other way around.

The Zandalari were at war with the Kul’tirans, not the Alliance. And the Kul’tirans weren’t in the Alliance yet.

So the Alliance decided to assassinate the ruler of a country that was NOT part of the Horde, on behalf of a country that was NOT part of the Alliance.

The bombing of Theramore didn’t just kill Theramore soldiers. It killed thousands of INNOCENT people. Women, children, elderly, etc. Theramore was home to almost 10,000 people and only a dozen or so people survived.<

Not true. Read Tides of War. Most of the civilian population was evacuated. Very few had to flee through the gates to be captured by Garrosh’s forces and be tortured. The majority were evacuated by portal and had more than 24 hours to do so.

The people who called Theramore home were, for the most part, saved. It was only the military and a few holdouts who were killed. And Theramore was a valid military target, being a major Alliance port only a few miles from our capital.

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Rastakhan probably did something, somewhere, somehow that made him have it coming (in this case, it was invading Pandaria

That wasn’t him, that was Zul and those who went with him to try and find a “new home” because Zandalar was supposedly going to sink in the Cataclysm. Zul also brought the Mogu to Zandalar.

supporting genocide


enslaving his daughter


Except it’s war … and the attack on Theramore was an unprovoked peace time assault. So, you really couldn’t be more wrong.

Are we playing the same raid?

No, we’re not actually. Here’s the “please surrender” dialogue that the Horde sees:

"King Rastakhan of Zandalar…I order you to submit! You will bow before your new master, King Anduin Wrynn, and you will deliver your daughter to us as a hostage!"

Does that look like a reasonable chance to surrender to you?

Here’s what you see:

"King Rastakhan of Zandalar… On behalf of the Alliance, and in the name of King Anduin Wrynn, I hereby request your surrender."

More reasonable? yes. Still a completely unreasonable request from a faction that simply invaded their city without any sort of formal declaration of war? Hell yes.


8 . Turajo has been debunked so many times.

No, it actually hasn’t. I recommend you do the actual Horde quests regarding Taurajo in the Southern Barrens and maybe you’d understand the narrative Blizzard has actually laid out. The Alliance has an unreliable narrator in that case. Tarajo was a massacre.


The Horde and the Zandalari are allies. The Zandalari has fought against the Alliance. That makes their navy a target.

They’re Jaina’s people. And Jaina is one of the leaders of the Alliance. So of course we’re going to aid them if we want the Kul’tirans in the Alliance.

We didn’t decide to assassinate him - that is you being disingenuous. Assassinate implies by stealth and underhandedness. We attacked the city and he was given a choice. He chose to fight to the death.

My mistake then, I didn’t read Tides of War and was going off of the stuff we’ve seen in game. But even still, there were people who had nothing to do with the fight who were killed in the Mana Bomb attack. And Theramore and the Horde were always in truce. The attack came out of nowhere.

Attacking Theramore gained them nothing.