Jaina is a hypocrite complaining about a bomb

When is it that destroying a military fleet of warships is wrong? When is it that what was done to Darnassus, Theramore and Gilneas, is comparable to what was done in Dazaralor?
The 2 cities of the blue faction, destroyed to the ground! 1 city, poisoned for the purpose of annihilating its population!

The population of Dazaralor as well as its town, are practically intact, as Orgrimmar at the end of the siege against Garry!

And let’s not rub in the face of the horde, the genocidal mode with which they attacked Brennadan, murdering and torturing his civilian population!
The thing was so enlightening about the true character of Horde that we see orcs, trolls goblins e forsakens impaled fathers and mothers in front of their children!

Do you really want to compare something made by Alliance and Jaina in Dazaralor, with something done by Horde? Make me laugh!

And about murdering the useless rastadoof, talk to your Loa, Bowsandi, who abandoned him in the midst of the fight, to satisfy his own interests!

After all, Rastadoof linked his lineage to the crook, causing Bowsandi to abandon any king or queen of the zandalar who does not like him, without losing his position as Loa of kings.

Hypocrite is to horde do things that she would consider evil, if made against the red faction, something acceptable but to tax the justice of the Alliance, made to punish their villains something bad, when only soldiers were killed and Rastadoof died because his pride was greater than his sense of reality and survival!


And yet you guys still scream like little kids every time someone mentions Camp Taurajo.

You, Horde players, are the hypocrites, actually.

PS: With “you” I mean the general Horde forum posters, not “you” Swiftraven in particular.


Honestly, have you ever picked up a history book in your life?

We have been committing genocide and war crimes since we had established the first civilizations. Truly a nitwit comment.


It wasn’t at first, but then the hysterical litch queen decided to be triggered by “hope” so she turned around and screamed “BURN IT, BURN IT ALL!”


I didn’t know mana bombs do such things?

Got a lore citation for that?

I’m more upset at Baine about taurajo than I am with the Alliance. The dude leading the particular raid allowed civilians time to escape (well, escape into deviate swamplands and quillboar territory but was still a chance)

Baine was completely chill about the slaughter of his own people and even exiled those who wanted vengeance


I agree but the problem with this was that Garrosh did not try and kill as few Civilians as possible, he captured them caged them in Orgramar and made them suffer cruel deaths. Thankfully we managed to save some of them in the Seige of Org. Garrosh was my favorite Warchief by far before they ruined him in MoP.

Horde players finally realising the truth:


Ah yes, because blowing up military targets and taking down an enemy leader is totally the same as leveling an entire city and killing everyone still inside the blast radius regardless of their role in any of the fighting…

Oh wait…


Not all mana bombs have that kind of effect. But the one used at Theramore was custom made and empowered by the Focusing Iris. Thus it was a different breed of creature.

It tore a hole in reality, destroying that location at a dimensional level. They observed the damage it did during the book. Just how widespread the damage wasn’t mentioned, but the implication was that it impacted all potential timelines in that location at a negative and destructive level.

A majority of their population is, however :slight_smile:

As the majority of Night Elves lived in Darkshore, Ashenvale, or Teldrassil, the Horde killed most of them in their rampage.


can’t the horde PC accept that they are playing the evil faction…and not the hero faction…just embrace the evil horde is…
it will be easy for you guys…

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Their classification as crimes, genius. It wasn’t genocide in the wayback time, just conquest and manifest destiny. Maybe pick up a history book yourself.


Darnassus is in striking range of Orgrimmar, it would be the second most perfect staging ground against Org after the crater formerly known as Theramore.

This is something only alliance players see. This is part of the split story thing that doesn’t exist if you play the other faction. So trying to throw this in the face of horde players is a bit pointless when many would have no idea what you’re talking about.


Are you actually trying to argue that the people who had said genocide happen to their country didn’t classify it as crimes? The stupidity keeps flowing…


Courtesy of an old post by Kheradin.

“Because of the use of the Focusing Iris, the mana bomb was so powerful that it tore holes in the fabric of reality, and magically altered the physical structure of those caught in the blast.[3]”


From the book, Tides of War:

“After reaching the crater where her tower once stood, she found the Mana-Bomb shattered with the Focusing Iris left within. The explosion was amplified by it, and the sky was lit with shimmering portals to other realities so that every universe, even where Theramore was never built, the land was decimated with the impact of the bomb.”

/shakes head
A city on an island off the opposite corner of a large continent can’t be considered as being in “striking range”, especially given the speed of movement of armies at the technological level of WoW and the difficulty of the terrain in between.

You (and the Blizzard writers as well) also ignore that the Exodar (just as good a staging area as Darnassus) is still right next door, so the genocide by burning of the civilians of Teldrassil accomplished nothing tactically.


I loved your name! Suitable for a Horde member!

I mean sure whatever makes you feel better about following a genocidal zombie that wants to kill every member of the horde and alliance alike, and raise us as mindless zombie slaves.


Lets play, Which of these things is bigger!

A fleet? Or a city?

Join us next time on, Which of these things is bigger! To learn which is bigger, a camp Taurajo? or an entire nation?