Jaina is a hypocrite complaining about a bomb

No, it’s fine. The Draenei I responded to is a perfect example of what you were talking about.

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Oh my gosh! What a huge massacre!

No that is just a couple people, Taurajo was so much worse!

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Yes it has.

You’re really unable to parse “other cultures have value,” huh? 90% of Tauren settlements are called “camps,” but I guess if they were called “cities” then it would be wrong to kill the people in them, huh? It’s okay to burn down a “camp.”

No one’s using it as an excuse to trivialize OTHER (not “actual,” because even if you wipe out a settlement from another culture it’s STILL a massacre) we’re just pointing out that the Alliance hands aren’t clean here.

Also, the Stonetalon druid school was being DEFENDED by a Tauren “camp,” and an orc captain decided unilaterally to destroy it and he was executed for doing it.

You will never get me to defend Sylvanas or Garrosh and their mass murders (except to say that all of those places you listed, except the school, are legitimate military targets if you’re at war) and the way they accomplished them. Not ever. But the constant Alliance defense of the massacre of Tauren (they had to build a wall around their zone, who the hell decides that, of all Horde races, you need to kill TAUREN?) is not cool.

No one can say that there were no dead taurens killed in the taurajo attack, but they were not the interest of the attack, but to destroy whatever utility the place might have to horde! so much that there were survivors and many of these, died but not for something done by the alliance but for the dangers of the region!

Taurajo was a point halfway between Thuderbluff / Orgrimmar / Ashenvale!

Nobody from the Alliance boasts of what happened there, but call it premeditated onslaught?

It’s hard to compare anything made by the alliance with something premeditated by Horde!

The hands of the alliance are not clean, but you will not see anyone celebrating the death of Taurajo people for 3 consecutive days!

The Dazar’Alor navy was also a valid military target.


yeah, their navy was a legit target, never said it wasn’t

Which is the whole point of Jaina being a hypocrite. She bombed the Zandalari fleet and assassinated their king. But someone feels morally outraged that the Horde would dare strike back.

No one was morally outraged when we retaliated for Theramore?

A mass murderer and a wife beater are both bad people.
One is worse, but neither is good. Same here, Horde did worse, but the Alliance still did bad

If you’re going to just count NPCs then the Horde only killed like fifty people and some nightsabers.
If we’re going to talk about lore population then lets talk lore population, the Alliance killed a few hundred civilians and herded the rest into inhospitable land. Also there was no evacuation, there were gaps in the lines that the fleeing Tauren could use, sadly none of those gaps were in the direction of Mulgore.
So was it NPCs and we’ve all killed more in quests, or was it lore population in which the Alliance are pretty monstrous too.
Can’t have both.

No, because it was retaliation and a war between us.
Zandalar wasn’t even Horde allies and the Alliance imprisoned their princess, despite having committed no crime against them.

I dunno man… 13,000 Lordaeron refugees died at Theramore. It’s like nuking a hospital, not a valid military target at all.

Besides, that was Garrosh–and he was dealt with, by Thrall.

Jay jay was the only one who tried to get the alliance n horde together. After so many attempts and bombing of dalaran (killing that gnome mage she was lvling up) she got tired of the bs n decided the horde should just be eliminated.

I support her

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