Jailer Aotc and 9.25

It’s worth noting that the systems we’ll be talking about today are designed around specific goals to fit with Season 4’s shorter runtime - it’s very possible that even if they’re received well, they may undergo significant iteration to match the cadence & intended progression of a normal season of content.

batrick@ScarizardPlaysMay 06

@DesMephisto yes, CE/AotC will leave when Season 4 officially begins, which is not at 9.2.5 launch. re: 2nd q, could you explain why?

Tl;dr The season will be “shorter” and won’t happen at 9.2.5 start or anywhere near the presumed wait time we typically have after a patch or between seasons.

Edit: I expect season 4 to be on the table by at the earliest late July, likely August.