I've lost my motivation to try and improve

it gives it away lol

move closer, it ticks up

move away , it ticks down


200iq strat trust me

im especially good at pulling rogues out tho so maybe its just me?

so ur saying if i had daggers in the dark on me i could press expel harm sck in any direction and get him out??? no thats not how it works. You have a possibility of pulling the rogue out but again its and direction and goes through a pillar. they could have also played it smarter and sapped the pal and started stacking the debuff. there are so many possibilities and i have said that the dagger in the dark stacks are up to 20 yards away, concecration is 8 yards, blinding light is 10.

You are arguing a moot point, nobody cares about. It has nothing to do with the fact that rogues should not be able to kill within the window of a tenth of a second.

The counter play to rogue should not be “you can pull them from stealth”

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just pre bubble the go at 100% bro

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did you know a rogue can actually move in stealth? That is crazy right?!?!?
but yeah ticks can continue to go up even if u try to move away from it.


if you cant understand the basic concept of the childrens game hot/cold im not going to argue with you, i doubt he’d be on the other side of the pillar stacking dagger

this pala had 15 full seconds to prepare for a burst that took 4 full globals to acomplish, which is almost the duration of a full kidney,

if you arent smart enough to figure it out then thats not my problem dude,

my arguement is it wasnt 1/10th of a second it was 14 seconds

he had 10 seconds to watch that debuff tick

then he had 4 seconds from 100-0 thats 4 globals the fact no team mate or him with full cds died is 100% his fault, or his teams fault,

how much slower would you like the rogue burst to be?


Yes, and while you run around looking for invisible people the other two guys get freee range to cc/clap your cheeks.

The burst happened in .1.

This is garbage game play.

“clap your cheeks”

i see you are a man of the debate debate, good day sir

You clearly got outplayed, they deserve the win

the mans clicking his healing frames

if we are gonna gather up and say this is the epitome of skilled hpalas then i think we are doomed

@op dont uninstall just keep trying to improve, react faster
game is alil nutty but its doable if u live that rogues burst he cant do it again for another 3 minutes, id say its worth trading out the bop trink or blinding light

Dagger was likely stacking on the entire team lol. Is the whole team supposed to pre dump their entire defensive kit just incase he picks them? Is that healthy gameplay?

“Better pre everything and pray he doesn’t just sit and wait for it to fall off before he goes.”


Over a childrens game? im not the one being dumb here, this is a game of hot/hot, the rogue will continue to follow u until they are ready. you expect a low cr player to have the iq of whaazz that’s the funny part. as soon as the pally bubbles the rogue will do it all over again and still land a kill. Its not my problem your brain capacity is the size of a walnut. Using a child game as a way to tell me how dagger in the dark works is beyond the dumbest thing I heard. and I never said he was stacking it behind the pillar i said it’s a possibility and I also said rogues can stack behind a pillar.

I was clearly using sarcasm, people shouldn’t get 1shotted like that.

The ‘‘fast’’ meta shadowlands is is flawled af.

We need a wotlk fast meta where sustained damage is high, and burst cooldowns arent making your abilities do +10k damage

The irony is that he agreed with you thinking you were his hype man.


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huh? oh yeah i noticed lol, thot ur comment was funny aha,

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Albeit… why are you defending dagger in the dark one shots? Like lol.

Do we need to go through another thread of people linking literal 2800+ players also getting bombed like this (Raiku and Drainer etc).

This isn’t just a “lmao move away” moment and to suggest as much is fairly brainless on your part. The fact that the rogue was bad enough here to open with cheap shot before ending his life the only reason this is a rival range game.


I saw that happening 20 sec + before that happened just keep practicing. I’d give u some advice on CD’s u could of used to live but ur UI needs an improvement for a start I can’t see anything with this PVE UI.

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im not defending dagger in the dark one shots,

the ops thread is about his will to improve, im saying he definitly has room, and the fact that he died isnt 100% the games fault, im trying to stay on topic and telling the op he should keep practicing,

dude pressed every cd in the game, live rogue burst and he loses

If you want to get better delete gladiatorlosa