It’s hard to find good transmog for kul Tiran. Do Tauren have this problem?

So much of the gear looks like it wasn’t designed to be on big models. However, I don’t necessarily see Tauren have this problem. Or do they and I have never noticed.

Tauren are just Swole. Not fat. We don’t do no fat tings over here on the horde side. Except pandas but nobody plays them anyway /shrug


Nothing looks good stretched around a massive pot belly.

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I get he jokes, but it that the reason? Fat?

Which is why Kul’Tirans should go shirtless.


Not really, Taurens are actually very cool to mog, especially plate classes.

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Why not just make a monk and have Batdad from South Park be your source of inspiration?

Yeah!!! DENVER!!!

The Undead Male actually has the same problem.

Their legs are spread too far pretty much all the time, so any robes you wear get super stretched :frowning:


I honestly hadn’t noticed much issue transmogging Kul Tiran. I knew when I created her that she had a Strongwoman build I would need to consider in my clothing choices. Too each their own though.


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Kul’tiran have the same problems that Pandaren have. The armour stretches to fit their model so it makes armour that isn’t supposed to stretch (plate is very noticible with this) look pretty ridiculous.

Undead kinda have this problem in reverse, where plate looks ridiculous because it shrinks to fit their much skinnier frame.

Tauren are big, but their bodytype isn’t super different from something like a Male Orc or Male Human. Most armour looks alright on them, except for Helmets.

On my Kul Tiran Monk, I decided to go for this:

Since the mogs I’ve made for my Monks of other races tended to look silly on any race that wasn’t slim.

On the upside though, Kul Tirans can rock the Monk CM set pretty decently, unlike Void Elves.


Ew now I’m trying to picture a void elf in monk tier sets. It even looks weird when blood elves do that.

KTs have the same issue as Pandaren… which, I race changed my Pandaren long ago because of.

I regret never getting that for my own Monk. It’s perfect for a Blood Elf.

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I dunno, the Heritage armor with the tricorne tends to be my favorite.

Or just go shirtless with fist weapons and look like you uppercut orcs into the lower atmosphere.

A lot of plate armor looks good on Kul Tiran, especially Fury Warriors.

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on malee tauren, yes.
on female taurens, no.

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