Its world of WARcraft not Peacecraft ;Why is cross faction raiding a thing now?

There can still be some faction tension and players grouping cross faction at the same time.

Orcs and humans have been working together in WoW since at least vanilla with the Argent Crusade.

Faction tensions and maybe even proxy skirmishes can still exist in the writing without every singe faction member being kill on sight. The player characters can work together to overcome a bad guy.


Another funny thing is I raid with mostly alliance raid now. They good people, however I understand how it can ruin immersion. Damn gnomes!

There are about 4 of us that are Horde

Considering your achievements reflect that you have done zero raids, not an issue for you.

Everyone is buddy buddy with Germany since WW3. Get over it and move on.

Edit: WW2, lol. Been time running too much.


i donā€™t need an in game reason if it makes the dungeon and raid queues faster i really donā€™t care if an orc is tanking. I just want to play the fing game.If you want to pretend there is a war between factions ---------> battle grounds this way.


Most people are here for the phat lewtsā€¦ and most donā€™t care about lore.

Blizzard letting xfaction folks play together is great and Iā€™m super looking forward to Xrealm guilds.

Now the last thing is to let every race be every class (including the dracā€™s).

Lore should step aside when it comes to letting players be able to play the game. I faction changed to horde years ago because the only guilds I could find on alliance were either super casual or considered themselves super elite.

IMO the Xfaction guilds and groups did not come soon enough!

Did I sleep through something?


Must be all that time running. :rofl:


so the title is just a bug huh

a million times this. They need to go further with the xfaction stuff. let us queue with our friends.


i mean it wasnt a problem before? hello?

Just enjoy it and place your Sylvanas Lamenters in every group with a night elf. My wife garners a lot of joy from doing so.

Itā€™s good to remind them that we burned one tree already and weā€™ll do it again if they donā€™t know whatā€™s good for them.

I donā€™t think you realize just how impossible it was to get any sort of decent group going as Alliance by the end of Shadowlands. Like, Alliance was GIGA dead.

If cross-faction raiding didnā€™t exist 95% of Mythic raiding guilds would be Horde right now because the most powerful racial in the game is having the vast majority of the playerbase to play with.

And before anyone thinks ā€œoh, this wouldnā€™t affect me,ā€ it most certainly would. When the big guys transfer to Horde-dominated mega-servers like Illidan and Area 52, it has a massive trickle-down effect that causes players of decreasing skill levels to also follow suit and transfer off resulting in a huge amount of brain drain from your server. The end result is that you have exactly two relevant Alliance servers: Stormrage and Sargeras.


Iā€™m glad the real faction is here to fill in for these poor lonely souls.

Horde is out there subsidizing Alliance groups. Itā€™s good to perform charitable acts from time to time.

Trust me, so am I, because having to expect people to both server and faction transfer (which is very expensive) if we ever recruited someone from off-server was very hard and it made my guild at the time even more impossible to recruit for. Most of the time a potential Horde applicant would see that we were part of the dying faction and would be like ā€œlol nope sorryā€ right then and there even if our times worked perfectly for them because Alliance was that bad.

Said guild is now dead anyway because our GM called it quits, but it was MUCH easier to recruit at the start of Dragonflight because we could actually have Horde players raiding with us.


At this point I donā€™t mind the grouping part of it and think itā€™s a positive thing overall for the game.

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Both Merp and I were formerly in CE Alliance guilds (and Iā€™m currently trialing with an even stronger CE Alliance guild, usually top 2-3 on Stormrage). Yes, there were plenty of them, but it was an absolute nightmare to recruit for said guilds, not because we had any competition from one-another like Horde guilds did but because we had to compete with Horde guilds that were just as good but offered players access to the large majority of the playerbase.

Hall of Fame taking forever to fill up was a huge problem, but it was only part of that huge problem. Every patch youā€™d have players make the jump to Horde (sometimes entire guilds, although plenty of these would just get cannibalized by established Horde guilds) and as such the Alliance recruitment pool would shrink more and more with each passing season.

My guild in particular was a ā€œnon-standard hourā€ CE Alliance guild (Fri/Sat, 11PM to 3AM EST) and the fact that it managed to survive BFA and Shadowlands is outlandishly good luck. It should not have survived, and only did because there wasnā€™t really any Horde equivalent, and recruiting for this guild was still an absolute nightmare because weā€™d have to settle for players that needed a lot of help if they were gonna be CE material. Thereā€™s a very good reason why our US ranks increased drastically once Dragonflight launched; we could actually appeal to better players, and Merp can vouch for this because he raided here for Vault/Aberrus too.

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Only one? Cā€™mon, guys, get it together! Weā€™re seriously slacking off.

Yeah I transferred to horde because of this.

Having xfaction raids/mythic plus was an excellent quality of life improvement and now I can play with my alliance buddies who only have end game toons that are alliance.

Itā€™s now also much easier to play a couple of alliance toons in end game.

I think in all the time that Iā€™ve been doing mythic plus, maybe two or three people might have said something about factionā€¦

People tend to blame the player for their mistakes now, not the faction, because so many people are bi-factional.

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Hell, hereā€™s the thing: Alliance has (since BFA, at least) always been the better M+ faction because of Dwarf/NElf having very strong racials in that context.

But the problem is, Shadowmeld and Stoneform would forever be relegated to the second- and third-best racials in the game. The best racial in the game, by far, is the one that gives every single Horde race in the game access to the vast majority of the playerbase.

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