It's Virtually Impossible for Alliance to Win Korrak's Revenge

I love doing random BG’s but I don’t like this one. I don’t like power scaling in an MMO RPG. It’s one of the reasons I stayed away from instanced PvP in Legion. I got my mount and was glad to never step foot in there again.

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Sorry to hear? Guess you all just suck at focusing objectives. Are your groups ignoring the whole Korraks hill quest? If they are ignoring it, then they should still have the advantage. No reason to bother with that if you are aiming for a win.

How about defense? Are people staying behind to harry and defend? Or are you all just bum rushing leaving yourselves exposed? Are people bothering with the daily quests? If they are, they need to not, they arent worth it when it comes to winning, and the reason people do them is because you can get the mount a bit faster by doing so.

Is this true…because I consider that pretty big balance issue or flop if so.


I win a lot in the BG, I’m not sure what the Alliance are doing wrong. They must either abandon the towers they should be waiting til they are fully captured, and they have no tanks to control the elite NPCs that show up.

Yep, it doesn’t let me link but this was brought to my attention as well (just add in the . before com):

twitter com/AlteracValley/status/1194046737779965953?s=19

Alliance are at a severe disadvantage in this AV.


Alliance should win AV 100% of the time (well… I suppose things are a bit different now with Death Knights, Demon Hunters and knockback moves…)

Your problem is you’re going for Korrak. If Alliance go for Korrak, they will lose the majority of the time. If Alliance go straight for Iceblood GY, they should win.

Alliance haven’t won in AV for a long time now. It’s almost a guaranteed horde win in retail.

That cant be possible because I’ve lost Korrak’s Revenge as a Horde. :thinking:


I play both sides. Horde wins most epic bgs. Alliance has a bad habit of going full offense. Defending isn’t fun. You’re hopelessly ounumbered and get killed over and over, but often the difference between a win and a loss is simply to slow down the offense. Try and muster up a group of defenders as alliance. Or reroll Horde. Sometimes we end up with a weak offense because too many chose to defend. Voluntarily.

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I have no idea what happened in epic BGs. I used to do really well until BFA and then it seemed to just fall apart on the alliance side. I started losing the vast majority at the start of BFA.

OP, you don’t know what impossible means, do you? This is a you problem, not an impossible problem.

Well, if you had read it, I said virtually impossible. And when 40 person groups fail over and over again, it’s hard to argue it’s the fault of one person. Something is fundamentally unbalanced here.


Still a you problem. The rest of us don’t seem to have those issues.

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Once again, if you read the thread or the battleground forum, you’ll see many people do. But I suppose you just think you’re that amazing that you can carry a 40 man group?


I do read the forum, a lot. I see a lot of fake outrage topic spam. Plenty of players seem to get this done just fine, as I did on Alliance.

Nice deflection.

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Interesting going off the OP, that they have only been in Korrak’s 1 time.


The times I have lost Alliance back capped and turtled up. The times I have won Alliance tried to 100% rush w/o even leaving enough defenders in the towers.


I’ll admit I win more than I lose as Horde, but overall it’s been a fairly even split between wins and losses across all the alts ive been leveling

I’ve won and lost on both Horde and Alliance, in fact I was so tired of not getting to kill Korrak on my Horde hunter that I just went to Amphitheater of Anguish and killed him there.


Did a bunch of Korrak’s Revenge runs because I wanted to do all of the old-school quests in there (yeah I’m a weirdo). Alliance seemed to win most of the time. Couldn’t tell you why as I was usually off trying to run the All-Seeing Eye and trying to escort that damned goblin home, but yeah.