so i do PvP, and i do enjoy it. But the game has never been balanced of PvP, and it’s been the least popular end-game pillar by a long shot (go ahead and check the number of keys/raid bosses killed vs arena matches. it’s a fact). There’s a few reasons for this…because PvP has multiple sub-sections…You have duels, 2v2 Arena, 3v3 Arena, BG’s, World PvP…so which mode are we going to change racials for? You see the issue? all of those play completely different, and shadowmeld might excel in one, but less so in another.
PvE has always been how they balance the game - that’s why they separated the two years ago.
you’re taking what I said too personally, without contextualizing what i’m trying to say. This isn’t a discussion about how “omg pvp players have more skill lol”…what does that have to do with shadowmeld being nerfed or not?
PvE is a system designed to lose - so a skill like shadowmeld holds a completely different impact on the game, than PvP where the stakes are a bit different due to playing against another human in melee. So ofc people are going to have very polarized opinions on this topic.
If they ever change shadowmeld’s function for PvP, it would have to be a blanket change - because of all the dynamic modes you guys have…might feel good in one, and horrible in another. Must be careful
also, let’s not start calling each other carebears, or noobs or anything like that. Someone primarily play PvE can still have a great understanding of the game and their class/spec (and visa versa ofc).
anyway, that’s why i don’t think they should touch shadowmeld…it’s not overpowered, it’s completely fine. If you racial sucks, i’d just try to have that improved instead of bothering us night elves.
I just don’t choose not to right now for a multitude of reasons…but if you wanna fight me, we can arrange a duel to the death - anytime, any place friend