It's time to Nerf Shadowmeld

so i do PvP, and i do enjoy it. But the game has never been balanced of PvP, and it’s been the least popular end-game pillar by a long shot (go ahead and check the number of keys/raid bosses killed vs arena matches. it’s a fact). There’s a few reasons for this…because PvP has multiple sub-sections…You have duels, 2v2 Arena, 3v3 Arena, BG’s, World PvP…so which mode are we going to change racials for? You see the issue? all of those play completely different, and shadowmeld might excel in one, but less so in another.

PvE has always been how they balance the game - that’s why they separated the two years ago.

you’re taking what I said too personally, without contextualizing what i’m trying to say. This isn’t a discussion about how “omg pvp players have more skill lol”…what does that have to do with shadowmeld being nerfed or not?

PvE is a system designed to lose - so a skill like shadowmeld holds a completely different impact on the game, than PvP where the stakes are a bit different due to playing against another human in melee. So ofc people are going to have very polarized opinions on this topic.

If they ever change shadowmeld’s function for PvP, it would have to be a blanket change - because of all the dynamic modes you guys have…might feel good in one, and horrible in another. Must be careful

also, let’s not start calling each other carebears, or noobs or anything like that. Someone primarily play PvE can still have a great understanding of the game and their class/spec (and visa versa ofc).

anyway, that’s why i don’t think they should touch shadowmeld…it’s not overpowered, it’s completely fine. If you racial sucks, i’d just try to have that improved instead of bothering us night elves.

I just don’t choose not to right now for a multitude of reasons…but if you wanna fight me, we can arrange a duel to the death - anytime, any place friend :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated:

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Glad you agree.

Nerf Shadowmeld.

I flat out do not trust people that ask for defensive racials to be nerfed.

If we have reached this point it is because M+/raiding design has become toxic and has driven players away.
Retail is a ghost town devoid of actual players. That is why raiding and M+ participation along with rated PVP are at all time lows IMVHO.

The changes made to PVP, M+ and raiding in TWW were a big three steps back from the one small step forward made in DF.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


you think they being popular is enough justification that everyone playing druid is nelf? that should be statistically impossible

Jut accept the racial is OP and need a nerf, other races got nerfed for less and far quick

The Night Elf druid with 11835 posts doesn’t think Shadowmeld is OP. But they also, really, really don’t want it to get nerfed.



Man is really a whole clown lmao. Go away, you dont know nothing bout Shadowmeld cept for what youve seen accomplished with it. Its what a racial should be. As is Stoneform. Neither should be nerfed, but all the others should (and some just did) get buffed.

Cept they didnt.

They did, undead, blood elf, orc and humans were nerfed before

Found the shadowmeld user

Defensive racials should not be nerfed. Offensive racials need buffs again.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

Im not a boomer thats been playing the same game for 20 years yet so i was only here for the Belf and Human nerfs. The old Arcane Torrent was nerfed because it trivialized entire boss fight mechanics in addition to the entirety of M+. So yea much more OP than anything existing now. Go cry about 1 spell being dodged every 2 minutes or the combat reset somewhere outside the ptr threads.

Human racial wasnt even used anywhere but PvP. PvP already has trinkets to break CC. Thats what negating content actually looks like when an ability is actually op in PvP. Theres no counterplay.

Shadowmeld has counterplay in PvP. Just dont let the healer drink.

Youre entirely correct actually. I was a Nelf until about a month into the patch when i realized “they kinda changed Rogue enough to where theres just not much use gained out of it anymore” so i swapped to something that could cover a Rogue weakness rather than amplify already existing strengths. Shadowmeld was strong before especially for Sin Rogue but now its too much of a hassle to get effectiveness out of it.

Its not mandatory for stealth classes.

Racials were OP got nerfed

Shadowmeld is op should be nerfed

Simple math

Of course, why would anyone defend something OP if they are not using themselves

Still is OP, still needs a nerf


Its not OP. Its what the baseline should be. The others that got nerfed were way ahead. Most of the racials are currently way behind. If you cant understand such concepts before coming to the forums you shouldnt be creating threads at all.

Go be an idiot somewhere else. Man read the first 3 words of that paragraph and stopped.

Your highest key is a +11 and you dont even PvP. Your opinion is worth the least out of anyone responding here. You dont play the content at a level where youd even get use out of Meld.

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It is, no other racial comes close.

Thats what happen when one its to ahead = OP, the other stay way behind

I didn’t create the thread, so much for “understanding” stuff

What else i need to read? you use an OP racial and dont want nerfed, bohoo


Lol. This part.


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What? you literally confirmed what i said, you dont want an OP racial to be nerfed, you preffer they buff other racials so they be OP as well

Which is not feasible anyway, cuz its way harder to balance

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I think what they are trying to say is




No racial should make anyone go “hmm, I don’t really want to play Night Elf, but their racial is just too strong.”

If they ever add Shaman and Paladin to the Night Elf class, all those healers would reroll to Night Elf on the spot…



why are you screaming? God you PvP players can be so abrasive and rude sometimes - that’s a big reason why your mode isn’t taken seriously, and nobody wants to play with you guys this season.

I’ve seen 0 examples or scenarios on how Shadowmeld is overpowered. Nobody can list it…all i see is like 3 PvP players that are clearly upset that they can’t figure out how to counter a 20+ year old racial ability…you never see successful or top players in a competetive melee mode cry about losing to a racial…because that’s a skill issue.

If you lose a night elf or a NE druid and let them get out of combat - it’s your fault, it’s 100% on you. You should understand what you’re up against, and have a plan on how to deal with it. This isn’t an unsolvable issue - learn to play imo (and i’m saying this in the nicest possible way…)

Well i think you just illustrated why “ALL RACES ALL CLASSES” is a can of worms we should probably talk about before implementing it. I’m sure blizzard is aware too.

Correct…I’m the ambassador for the NE race, pressing our racial ability rights here.

And no, i really really don’t want it to get nerfed :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


I can understand why Nelf players don’t want it nerfed. I too, have Night Elf characters and enjoy Shadowmeld (and also the great passive racials they have.)

But, when I play another race, I just don’t like how there is a nagging feeling that I would be better off playing a Night Elf, and that feeling only exists BECAUSE Shadowmeld is busted, and everyone knows it.

I would bet there are many players that feel compelled to roll Night Elf because of Shadowmeld. This is just another reason DEVS need to address Shadowmeld. It’s not a good feeling.

Hmm, I could be a Worgen, but do I really want to run fast or do I want to be able to drop combat and res my entire team…

Hmm, I could be a blood elf, that ability to remove one magic effect is really strong, but if I was a Night Elf, I could Shadowmeld and then drink for mana while the enemy can’t see me!

Hmm, I could be a Tauren and do a mad warstomp - Stopping all the casters for 1.5 sec till they just start casting again, or I could be a Night Elf run PAST all the casters and get aggro while my party skips the entire pack, then I can Shadowmeld and drop combat… then we won’t have to stop the caster pack, because we can just skipped them.

So on…


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you pve players are so holier than thou all the times.

Because you are not looking it or you are blind.

you clearly dont know the competitive scene.

the only can of worms is shadowmeld being OP

The only reason people are not rerolling night elf for shamans is not being available to then is not a strong argument for you

Yeah no one who is OP want that, but it just shows how necessary it is.

A gnome mage once told me to git gud and I think that makes sense.

Folks, if you are complaining about defensive racials then you have bigger problems to worry about!

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


Currently, 30% of players above 1800 rating are Night Elves—roughly 5,500 players—which is more than all Horde races combined above that bracket.

In PvP, Shadow Meld is incredibly versatile and can be used to:

  • Negate incoming damage or crowd control effects.
  • Instantly drop combat, allowing healers to drink for mana or giving stealth classes (like rogues and druids) an additional vanish and access to abilities only usable from stealth.
  • Function as a stationary stealth

If you’re looking for PvE examples of how Shadow Meld is overpowered in PvE, just look up on YouTube, “Raider IO Shadow Meld”. There’s a guide made by them on all the ways it can be used in Mythic+, such as enabling skips by resetting aggro, can allow healers to drop combat to drink, and completely negating some boss mechanics in different dungeons that make it very impactful than most other racials.

Here we go again… It doesn’t matter if it’s a defensive racial, an offensive racial, or a utility racial—if it’s overperforming and creating imbalance, it needs to be nerfed. It being a defensive racial doesn’t exempt it from balancing and that’s a dumb argument you’re trying to make if that’s the case lol.

I recommend the following changes to Shadow Meld as a nerf: