Might be because the game is fairly dead at the moment
I notice even the “troll” posters have either stopped posting or disappeared
Things are s-l-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-w
Might be because the game is fairly dead at the moment
I notice even the “troll” posters have either stopped posting or disappeared
Things are s-l-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-w
Well if you want votes let’s hear some campaign promises.
Is that a shadowlands joke?
You can always go to reddit OP, I hear there’s some good quality discussions over there.
I support everything you support and oppose everything you oppose. If elected I promise two chickens in every garage and a car in every pot.
Also, I have a very tough on crime stance. I will institute mandatory hard labor in the bitcoin mines.
At least reddit has funny memes, GD is just full of sadness and despair.
It’s becoming clear that this is just successful bait from someone seeking attention/validation. The best we can do is stop responding.
I did, that one got 0 responses, this one is 28 and counting in about five minutes. Q.E.D.
I assume everyone is well aware this is trollbait and are responding because we have nothing better to do with our lives at the moment.
Again, this thread is proof by example, GD should be deleted for the good at all. Maybe some of the people in GD will finally go outside.
Why? The game play and graphics are horrible out there!
It’s scary outside. There are bugs and weather and crazy people out there.
Don’t forget about the brutal perma death system!
Agree on the weather, allergies are enough of a reason to never go outside.
Those are its best features.
Please, if you will, quote to me where this was said by me.
FYI there are crazy people in here as well! At least that is what the ghost of Leonord Nemoy keeps telling me.
Also if we shut down GD all the people on the forums can go on to get very successful careers in patent law
A very odd statement. Please enjoy your day and I hope your thread continues to be fun for everyone. :^)
Outside is just a myth perpetrated by BIG DEODORANT to get people to sweat more.
Too bad Soon™ is already trademarked.