It's time to add solo queue Mythic+


Beginning of a season, when it would be implemented, everyone starts at 0.

Everyone who would queue into this would be expecting everyone else to do mechanics, get the interrupts, and pretty much hard carry them.

90% of groups would fail and never make it out of the first bracket. Then everyone would complain and claim it needs nerfed.

Nerfed queued dungeon = Heroic Dungeons, which we already have

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I’d support solo Q M+ as long as it automatically selects a dungeon and key level based on everyones current IO. Solo Q that let’s you select a key level and dungeon would be a disaster.

they should make mythic+ able to run with a full squad of branns or followers

I think you’re wrong and also making a lot of assumptions. Wouldn’t know unless it was attempted.

Well I have so many friendly players like you to choose from! I’m surprised more people don’t engage with the content and LFG.

In which case it would be too late to go reverse. It’s just a terrible idea.

Why? Because you know people would/might prefer it and enjoy it, and you want LFG to remain the only way. It’s fine, you can have your opinion. You wouldn’t fear this being added at all if you didn’t think it would have at least marginal success.

I don’t see the issue. Does anyone really think it would be hard for Blizz to make an automated system to form M+ groups? The same metrics used by players to pick from the Group Finder can be used … IO score and Utility.

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You know nothing about my personality or my character at all. I know nothing of yours other than you like to assume and make idealist conjectures. You’re the rude one here and proved it with your second post.

Yeah no thanks. The trainwreck would be entertaining though.

You determined I’m rude with my second post yet I couldn’t possibly gather that from your previous ~50. Fascinating.

You’re not helping your case at all btw. Keep em coming for everyone to see.

No, because I know from past events that a queue m+ is just a can of worms best left sealed forever.

You’re the only one trying to make a case here. And it’s not a very good one.

Maybe if you put as much effort into your argument as you do to generally being a knob people might take you more seriously.

You’ve engaged with queued mythic+ before? Are you in the closed family and friends alpha?

Dude you don’t need to be nostradamus to know it’s a terrible idea before it launches. You’re the only one here not realizing it.

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“Trust me bro”

Theres a very good reason queued content is always trivial. This would be a disaster.

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Solo queue PvP overtook 3v3 in participation. Not sure why this would be such a disaster to warrant never even trying new things.

And you expect to lose in pvp. It was always an expectation to lose in pvp.

You do? I’m sorry to hear that. Should practice more.