It's time Mages have to Juke again

Lets face it. The skill cap of Mages has consistently gone down since Wrath. And, I’m sorry BFA Mages, the skill cap is the lowest it has ever been.

As for the burst rotation, I don’t see that ever changing. We’ll always see Mages have great instant damage. The Devs don’t like Mages having to cast to do their highest DPS for some reason. It is more of the same in Shadowlands, minus Arcane.

That being said, the one area Mages actually have a skill cap is casting CC. BUT, in BFA and on Beta, not only is landing CC on a healer the easiest it has ever been, getting kicked has almost no punishment, and the need to CC is much lower. You know Mages are easy when landing a Trap takes more skill than landing a Poly.

In a 5 second window of a healer being stunned, a Mage can get kicked on Poly, kicked on Ring, and still be able to DB into a Poly as the stun ends. That isn’t even counting Shimmer which hard counters half of the kicks and CC in the game. Even if you get shut down on your window, there is always the possibility of Poly > Shimmer behind a pillar. This type of gameplay isn’t acceptable when your burst rotation is already the easiest there is. Where is the skill?

Defensively speaking in prior expansions Mages were glass cannons. In MOP for example, a Mage sitting and casting a 3 second Gpy would be unheard of. Two Melee in MOP could delete your entire health pool in two globals. Being executed by an Enhance Shaman from 60% was a common occurrence. KFC landing a Scatter Trap meant you had to Ice Block.

To be able to live through that, you had to be able to juke in clutch situations. You had to have someone in a Poly, Nova, or some sort of CC close to the entire game. Something Mages in BFA and Beta no longer have to do.

In my mind, and in the mind of Mages, that I know, that got respectable rating prior to BFA, Mages should be forced to juke to land CC. The only thing I can think of that would force Mages to juke, get rewarded for doing it, and more importantly, get punished if they can’t, is not allowing Mages to cast Shimmer while casting Poly. This won’t interfere with PVE and will force Mages to juke to get CC in those crucial moments.

Mages will still be just as tanky in Shadowlands, if not more so with Alter, still have easy burst rotations, they will still have Ring, but they won’t have Shimmer carrying their inability to juke interrupts.

tl;dr Mages need to juke to win games, not being kicked into Ring or Shimmer doing all the work for you.


People forgot about Flameglow already, huh.


i have a funny feeling that mage will be S tier until the game is officially dead and servers r shut down.

same with rogues and warlocks

the devs will always have their favorites


Idc if they have Shimmer, but make it cancel their casts for the love of god.


this is literally the only function of shimmer lmao.


Can also be used to gain distance from melee like Blink has always done, or get out of range of a cast.

Another idea would be make Shimmer only work with the same school as the spec. So only Arcane could use Poly and Shimmer together.

Makes sense for Arcane since they are the only Mage spec that casts their burst rotation.


Subterfuge, Shimmer, grounding totem, New intervene…

You ever watch I am Legend and realize Will Smith’s character becomes the villan/mutant in the end ironically

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You realize you sacrifice blinks get out of stun and root ability for shimmer right?

What you are asking for is shimmer to be blink without the benefit of blink…

IF ur losing to a mage not juking man. Idk sounds like user error

Mages don’t have to juke???

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Its aite man. Keep practicing and fighting the good fight. Those pesky mages can’t hold you back forever

I watched Mitchjones hit 3k and the dude barely casts poly and doesn’t juke. Stop acting like Mages have to be Jukegodx.


So what your saying is, we should all barely cast poly and dont juke and hit 3k?

Lets go brotha find us a 3rd, the 3k dream awaits!


I know an HPal, let’s get it.

If im not 3k with you by tomorrow im reporting you for false advertising

The average BFA fire mage is vibrating at about the same frequency as WoD wwdk players


Blizz is tuning down all specs to make them playable with a controller instead of a keyboard. controller support is already implemented. My guess is they are preparing for a next gen console launch.

i cant wait to q thunder and be THE ULTIMATE AIDS AHHHHAAAHAHAHAHA

Bro stop trolling, I know you’re trying to save face for your class. Mages dont have to juke and im talking fire mages, im not sure about frost or arcane. But fire mages on the other hand, they put people in predicaments all the time. What i mean is a fire mage can bait you by casting polymorph and if you silence or kick the polymorph, well now they have their strongest hitting abilities to slap you around with without having to worry about juking because they’re only locked out of arcane spell class and not fire. Couple that with combustion and its goodnight, thats all she wrote, have a nice walk in the afterlife chump lol. Also shimmer doesn’t make it any easier, its like a slap in the face to some melee classes (welp you almost had me, lemme just finish casting this G pie in your face right quick) lol.

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I mean to be fair shimmer poly is the only thing that is oppressive about shimmer so I have no idea how this would help anything lol.