It's been LITERALLY years, fix the melee after an NPC charge blizzard

He does it during P2. In my experience it seems to be about a 50/50 chance to hit someone.

Al’ar is pretty killable even with this in.

71% of attempts are kills in the last two weeks.

If you’re just worried you didn’t get a purple number on some third party site I’d suggest playing retail.

This will be ‘fixed’ in phase 3 when Al’ar gets nerfed with the rest of tier 5 content.


ahh the off-character forum griefer arrives on the post, thanks mate. I happen to be main tank so parses aren’t a concern for me


This was reported as a bug during the PTR from my guild and others and they came back by saying it was normal, as you seem to know. It’s just one of those things we have to deal with because they determined is not getting changed.

OP better have some serious stock in the company, to be coming in here with that big of a mouth…

this is listed as a non-bug. Please:

  1. Search before posting.
  2. Read before posting.

If you were to go to the right forums → Bug report:

You would’ve seen this thread:

There you can see:

Why are you being disrespectful to people trying to explain to you that this is the correct mechanic for the boss?

How can you prevent dying to this:

Have your warrior tank (or any warrior for that matter) to stay closer to Al’ar when it reborn after the meteor, and quickly intervene whomever is its target. The raid has to stay closer, of course.


The charge hasn’t been an issue for my group. I’m usually able to taunt the boss before he gets the melee off and even if he does if your raid has enough HP for vashj they have enough hp to not get one shot.

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intervene the boss target noob

Clothies more or less don’t have much hope here. A’lar hits as hard as Lurker/Tidewalker so that one big hit is 5-digits easily. That being said…

This and Taunt works nicely.

Warlocks seem fine and mages should be iceblocking or blinking out. Priest is probably the only class that should die and they generally have soulstones anyways.

Regardless if it’s a bug or not, it’s insanely bad game design

Blizzard agreed with you 15 years ago and changed the boss. That change is coming in phase 3.

Yep, pretty much this.

Not all of the “prenerf” boss encounters were better designs. Some were harder because of stupid things like this.

I agree. If this were a really hard fight, people would be up in arms over it. but since it’s easy, no one cares that much. But the underlying problem is there and should be fixed. Alar isn’t the the only problem. Charging trash also does this.

It is pretty manageable.

get gud.

It’s not a bug. That’s just one of A’lar’s many mechanics that you have to play around.

This was completely unnecessary a lot of us are actually looking forward to SoM.

So are a lot of things from original TBC… that’s why they changed them.

But we’re playing TBC Classic which should have limited changes.

It’s possible for a fight to be easy, and also have a design flaw

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This wouldnt be the first (or 2nd) time they misinterpreted a bug and put it on their list. Dont be so naive.

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Al’ar charged our paladin tank one time and he actually hit him BEFORE charging (while still, ya know, 30 yards away) and then hit him with another melee after the charge. “Not a bug” my behind.