It's been almost 18 years

At least one NE paladin was made during Legion. But odd that the class wasn’t immediately implemented in the following expansion given that setup.

I am 100% sure Paladins will be expanded to all races, just like Rogues and Warlocks.

All they really have to do, is mounts for each race for Divine Steed and stuff.

Shamans, they’d have to make totems for everyone, and Druids would be the most work obviously.

And we also had a Goblin Monk in our Monk order hall, a combo which we didn’t get until DF.

There’s already a Gnome Paladin in Hearthstone, btw.


Worgen paladins. Followed by vulpera demon hunters and gnome Druids

:crab: :ocean: :crab: :ocean:

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Not even. Look at Dwarves and Humans. Both use the charger. Or at least did last time I checked (which was admittedly a long time ago).

They went and made special rams for Dark Irons and Earthen, weird they didn’t go back and do the same for dwarves, I guess just a relic of the past.

Even now, I still think the Blood Elf charger looks the best lol, the red armor is so cool.

Sunwalker Kodo is badass, too.

I could care less about a special race mount at this point. 18 years is a stupid amount of time to keep giving us borderline copy paste reskins of what we already got.

Curious if we’ll get gnome druids sooner. :8ball::robot:


Remember ‘Sand Gnomes’?

I feel like we could have Gnomish Shamans if they decided to flesh them out more lol.

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Id literally unsubb. haha

Everyone knows Sand Gnomes are a myth.

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Not if you tap the Fumper, they’re not. :drum:

Tbh dwarves ARE dwarves and nothing is more plain Draenei than lightforged. :joy: regular Draenei actually became more interesting when the lightforged were released.

That would be the best shaman trainers for gnomes. :robot::+1:

Only a funny thought. :robot::thought_balloon:

Mechagon was a myth too. :world_map::robot:

They would need models.
Honey Badger
Mini -Moonkin or the Steward model
Dwarf Trees

Personally I want undead Druids.

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Oh I know this game… just say something that is objectively false and wouldn’t matter even if it were true. Fun.

Those are humans. So they wouldn’t count.

If this never happens I’m going to be ok with it.

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Plenty of Undead animals for feral, flight and swimming forms and a “decaying” Treant model to use. But would they use a recolour of the Kul’Tiran Boomkin or some stitched together nightmare fuel model from Maldraxxus.

Is there a reason other than “Most outrageous class/race combination possible” that drives this desire?

The “deconstruction” mentality has already done enough damage to WoW so I’d like to see a real argument forwarded for forsaken druids.

I already roll my eyes at undead monks spamming me with Chi (life) water.

Kul Tirans should’ve had paladins but they got shaman instead.