Remember how Noblegarden had us fight a duck druid and he dropped a mount that was…another flying carpet? Good times, good times.
There should have been tons of ducks on that carpet mount. That one solitary duck is going to miss the company of other ducks.
Fixed that for you, buddy.
I use the Albatross and tell everyone it’s a duck and I’ll start ankle biting if they disagree.
The Raven Lord mount did this to me
Awe man, you had me at DUC….in title… thought it was going to say DuCaTI mount lol… sorry… biker here … hahahaha
3 more months until 2025 and still no duck mounts.
it’s pretty quackers aint it?
oct 2024 still no duck what the duck
Gnomie homies over here askin’ hard questions
You are right and this makes me sad.
i might just unsub, i got this game in hopes of one day being able to ride a glorious duck mount and that dream can not be fulfilled , think its time to give it up. sadly
we have a seagull mount and a chicken mount
Well, that’s a lame duck
Good because the duck is not for sale.
Why can’t we keep the duck from:
Like it’s already in the game.
it’s not actually.