Item Restoration

If you sold or deleted an item in Vanilla, but realized later you actually needed this item, you could open a ticket with the approximate day you lost it and a GM would find it and restore it for you. Currently in Classic we have to use an item restoration page with limited items and a 7 day cooldown… this is not the same experience. I realize it takes a human actual time to find things you need restored, but wtf is this subscription fee for if you’re not going to hire people to do a job??? Please fix your broken system and remove these arbitrary restrictions from the item restore process. Thank you.

Just so you are aware, the devs don’t come to the CS forums for player feedback or suggestions. No one here can “fix” anything as it’s a player supported help desk.


Technically the gm staff would pull data from the same source the restoration services use.

The subscription fee only covers access to the server. Item restoration has always been a maybe proposition, and unfortunately not guaranteed.

They have plenty of employees, but I believe they’re hiring. But mostly are working from home due to the pandemic, but then again the development team has added a lot in terms of self help systems than in the past to make the wait way less than in the past.


I think you may be misunderstanding how item restoration worked, Archdruid. In Vanilla, if you deleted, sold or disenchanted an item you could put in a ticket to see if a Game Master could restore it. That Game Master would look at what is called your “Deleted Inventory” to see if the item was still available. If it was, they restored it (if you had a restoration available), if it was not they had to deny the request.

That is the exact same list that the Item Restoration system uses. So no, it is not exactly like Vanilla, but it is much the same with the added benefit of not having to wait for a Game Master to get to a ticket to review it.

Additionally, back in Vanilla we had an extremely limited number of restorations that you could ask for. If you reached that, you weren’t given anymore. With the Item Restoration system you can continue to use it however many times you like, you just can only use it once a week… down from one a month mind you.

So I’m sorry, but the system isn’t broken. Far from it actually. There aren’t arbitrary restrictions to the restore process, there are actually far less restrictions now than ever. There is still a finite amount of time before a deleted is purged from the deleted inventory, which has been in place since the very beginning.


Except that in Vanilla the “deleted inventory” went back at least a month, not just two weeks like it seems the current one does. And a GM would restore multiple items at once, not just one item. So it’s more restrictive… by the time next week rolls around, the items I want back will be permanently deleted instead of just being given back to me (as the only time I’ve used this service in 6 months+).

Honestly? You shouldn’t be deleting/vendoring them if you are knowing you are gonna want them back at some point. If there is a question that there MIGHT be a possibility that I will still use an item, I’ll keep it in my bank or bags. I get that mistakes happen, I believe that was the reason the system was put in place for.


Not exactly no. In fact, when they made this system, they set it up to use the exact same list that GMs have access to. As far as I know, there haven’t been any major changes to how that list functions other then lower quality items decay faster.

Which you can do with this system too. You can restore a bunch of items if you wish. You’re not limited to 1. Vrak also already pointed out how less restrictive this system is compared to ‘back in the day’.

That said, if you think that there could be improvements beyond the current ones, the in-game suggestion feature or the General forums would be best for your feedback.


Yes and no. It depended on the quality of the item, which hasn’t changed, and no restoration was/is ever guaranteed. For example, the cloak that you are requesting restoration for appears to be available, the Mark does not.

We are generally unable to circumvent that cooldown, you will likely need to wait until your cooldown is up to restore the items.

It’s actually not. I’m sorry if you missed the fact but you can restore multiple items through the Item Restoration page as well. You just click on the items that you want restored from the list of items for that character. The items you want restored are placed in a column on the right side of the screen, then you click {Next: Review Item Restoration}.

Clicking that takes you to the next page where it shows you what you want restored and you can click to go back or to “Restore Items”. That should lead you to the next page showing you success and your items are mailed to your character.