It was fun while it lasted

I appreciate the suggestion, but I’m good, thanks! its not about whether people are actually hurt or not, its the fact you want them to be… sad


Not at all. The fact that you believe that to be the case is just further proof you need to touch grass


Best thing to do is give feedback. Give ideas that would correct the issue that they are trying to correct.

edit: you have to give ideas to fix an issue. Not harp on a issue that will last a month.

I think the fact you added this sentence in an edit tells me otherwise

They don’t read the forums.

This is the swamp and you best be ready to get dirty if you’re sticking around.


I’m telling you that sort of negativity is bad for your mental health

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i really wouldn’t :expressionless: trade is nice but it’s not the whole game. you people act like WoW is a mere economy simulator lol.

i can see it being annoying you can’t even mail items to alts though. MAYBE they can fix that part.

But now that I think about it, I think blizzard literally just put the “self found” code and applied it to new accounts. So that’s probably why you can’t even send mail to alts lol.

Hey Eyr, you are an embarrassment to the human race. As for everyone else, we won and all restrictions have been removed.

Don’t forget to sign my class action law suit coming in the mail next year. Blizzard still scammed us for the last 3 days and everyone before us in previous releases.


We’ve been pointing out the problems with these restrictions for several months, ever since they showed up in Era. Blizz didn’t listen to that, and now they’ve got a bunch of angry new and returning players (or would-be players).

Having to explain to a new mage who is excited for their first ever Deadmines why they can’t be trusted to distribute their conjured water to the group is embarrassing for everyone involved.


I think it’s because he can’t go past lvl 20 without paying for it

You didn’t read my comment and you have a horrid reading comprehension of this thread. How does one buy a bag from a player when they cannot trade or use the auction house?

just buy bags at a vendor… every city has a bag vendor :expressionless: they’re not there just for decoration you know

Truly putting the fact that you don’t have a life on full display, eh? :expressionless:

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Yes the classic expereience is so horrible it barely got any new players into the game the first time around…

Eh, arguable tbh.

Can most GDKP players say with certainty that a portion of the gold they have accumulated was not acquired through illicit means?

My guess is a very, very, very small number could.

I mean I provided feedback which was the whole point of this thread to bounce ideas around on how they could potentially improve the situation and was hoping it would spark rational discussion on what others thought on how the situation could be improved

See original feedback:

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Hey Codify, restrictions should be lifted now. If it’s not too little too late for you then jump back in and have fun :smiling_face:


Wait what? Was this announced somewhere?

Not widely, no. It just happened last night and I got GM confirmation this morning. Threads are all buried now because we’re not complaining anymore :joy: should hop on and check it out. I been busy getting tailoring up now that AH is open to me

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Yes I just checked on Era and it worked! Now just need to confirm on fresh anniversary. Not sure if this thread had any bearing with giving them visibility in the issue and them looking at our feedback and fixing it. But thanks to all those that provided constructive feedback and thanks to Blizzard for actually taking action! Faith has been restored!