It’s Monday. Hug the gnomes and goblins day

Hammer time.

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Excuse me miss, but I would fancy you a nice remedy of homemade oil shine to make that LUSHOUS and ELEGANTLY ENCHANTING white fur of yours be upmost divine.

I’m bald, but you can try to lather the top of my chrome dome.

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Now you know you wanna dance…


Ew chaos I wasn’t speaking to you.

You’ve beyond repair you monstrous and chaotic pimple of an Elf.

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I miss haircuts. Lol

Going to be a male orc. Should be fun.

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I could use a hug :hugs:




You’ll still never catch a gnome if insist on wearing those heels… :dracthyr_crylaugh:

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Aw, Gnome product? What can go wrong xD

Ah, yes. Let me get prepared.


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stops pouring BBQ sauce on gnome for a moment

I don’t understand?


Hugs all around!

My bald head is NOT a suitable place for BBQ sauce!

Why lump us with those ugly green things? :nauseated_face::nauseated_face::nauseated_face:

You’d be surprised how often things get turned into chickens.

Don’t get any in your eyes.

That not nice