ISO: Chill Guild on (Thrall.) (EST.)

Hey all!

I am looking for a chill/laidback small/medium sized Guild to belong to, one where the drama is kept low, people are friendly/active on Voice as well as in-game. I don’t care if it’s casual, just looking for something that people like to be social and game together, and have fun in whatever we’re doing. I like pretty much all aspects of the game, but my primary focus(es) are Mythic+ and Farming Gold/Mogs/Mounts/Pets ect.

I would also prefer a close knit Guild where you feel like you’re not just another name on the roster, no I don’t need my belly rubbed and someone to tell me I’m a good boy, but to feel included.


Hi, we might be just the place. There are a few of us that semi-casually go after pets/mounts/mogs/cheevos. We are mostly active during the evening. activity in voice is sporadic as we’re very small. If we sound like we might be a good fit, drop me a line, we’ll chat!

Mourning Shadows is a Horde guild on Thrall looking for raiders and members. We are AOTC focused and fairly laid back. We have some folks that also pvp heavily, so BGs and Arena teams should be available. Raids Sunday night 9-12 Est (6-9 pm Pacific) We are currently looking for a couple DPS, we are especially interested in a Rogue, DK, Mage and SPriest. We also wouldn’t say no to a dps with a tank OS for M+ and filling in when our tanks are late/missing, an additional healer wouldn’t be turned away either.

Pretty basic raid expectations, learn the fights (we even post short videos in discord for easy access), have food, enchants, flask and pots. DBM or similar and Discord required, GTFO and personal loot helper are recommended.

Please note, this is a small guild, and we intend to stay small, so there aren’t always a ton of folks on. We are LBGTQ friendly. We are also accepting casual members, who want to be bench for raid, are there mostly for M+ or just to have folks to chat with on occasion.
For more information contact BellanyZimz#0791 on discord or Bellany#1567 on Bnet. We hope to hear from you!

Hello! Our main focus is heroic raiding, but we are very active in M+. As for guild atmosphere, we sound like exactly what you are looking for! A server transfer would be necessary, but we’d love to have you! Check us out [H][Mal'Ganis]<Baja Blast>Brand New Guild Looking for More for Heroic Raiding!

Hey there, Forgone Conclusion might be a good fit for you. We are a close knit group of raiders that work together to get things done. We enjoy raiding and running M+ when we can. If you would like to have more information just send me a message on bnet Huw#1749.

Hello Saex! I don’t know if you’re open to server xfer, but I own a small, semi-casual guild on servers Rexxar/Misha named Wolves of the North. We’re trying to regroup and recruit members for SL content. We have a 10-15 player raid group raiding Fridays & Saturdays 9pm - 12am EST. 1/10N currently. We are in need of all roles, ranged dps in particular. We also have guild mythic runs scheduled twice a week, and group Torghast runs.

We’re all mature players, and have prior commitments in the real life. We’re all here to have fun, and run content together. No unrealistic hard-core goals set. No intense scheduling. Semi-casual AOTC mindset, with priority in having fun.

If you’re interested, my discord is zdunny69#4257, feel free to message me with any questions!