We can dream can’t we?
Maybe blizz is waiting for the 20th anniversari, to change the banners
Per se*
Ya know, since you care about attention to detail.
Haven’t got TWW myself so you could say I’m still in DF though haven’t been there yet either
You* know.
Details details.
The irony being that ‘ya’ is an acceptable informal/slang version of ‘you’, whereas you actually have the grammar of a third grader at best while preaching about ‘details’.
You didn’t even care enough about the details to go correct yourself.
Stay simple.
the banner should be a kobold with his candle.
It should be the swole kobold for sure.
Very strange indeed. Maybe this is still Dragonflight.
Maybe this is actually patch 10.3 in disguise!
we just left alpha.
It feels like we have been testing everything