Island Expeditons

The kick button is not there to be used simply because someone is not holding your hand and escorting you to kill mobs.

Your job is not to babysit your other 2 members and make sure they are in viewing range at all times. As long as they are getting azerite it doesnt matter where or how they are doing it.

With the 8.1 changes it most definitely is more efficient to go out and solo the island especially if you are geared. Mobs give less and nodes give more meaning the whole “Mass pull and kill” is less effective. You’re better off going off and farming the areas with a lot of nodes. At the very least it speeds the island up by taking stuff before the opposite faction gets to it.

Once again, the kick button is not there to remove people that don’t group cause you want to be grouped. If you see a rogue or druid stealthing away to do their own thing let them and stop being a baby about it. Unless you really are undergeared (which most people arent) you dont need to be grouped.


People run this for the transmog and pets, not really for the azerite. To get those items you need to kill mobs, so typically we run aroubd and kill rares. That strat gives you the best chance at rewards. Sounds like you got kicked for not going with the typical strat.

Not saying they were in the right for kicking you. It would have been nice if they relayed what they wanted to do. But now you know.

@ Baltysalls "People run this for the transmog and pets, not really for the azerite. To get those items you need to kill mobs, so typically we run aroubd and kill rares. That strat gives you the best chance at rewards. Sounds like you got kicked for not going with the typical strat.

Not saying they were in the right for kicking you. It would have been nice if they relayed what they wanted to do. But now you know."

The pets mounts tmog whatever are no longer dependent on what you kill anymore, it is based on what spawns on the island.

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This is no longer true.

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Correct certain transmog and pets are no longer tied to killing specific mobs. But if you go into an island with the intent to only mine azerite to reach the goal and kill as little mobs as possible, which is what i gathered from reading the ops post, you may be kicked. You have to kill mibs to get the items the more mobs you kill and kill rares increases your chances at the loot table.

Whatbis no longer true? People are not running islands for tmig and pets? If thats not the case and people are running for the azerite that is new to me. Because people complaining about being kicked for not wanting to kill rares is a very common complaint.

What is no longer true: killing specific mobs affects the loot table in any way.

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