Is Warband Bank only for people who purchased TWW?

I didn’t buy the TWW expansion because (reasons) but I have a “Warband Bank” tab. However, in that tab it says “The Bank is being used by another member of your Warband”. I have only one account so I can only log in one character at a time. So, how can it be in use? Or, does it say this because I didn’t buy TWW?

Yesterday I went Tanaris and did all the quests to unlock the Warband Bank but it’s still giving me that message. I’m so confused.

So many of these threads, read the blue posts updates, Warbank is disabled right now due to a bug, they will enable them at a later time


Should be for everyone because it is a game level system. However, it is not available to anyone at the moment.


Ahh, ok. Thank you, I don’t feel so left out now :wink:

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May I ask what those reasons are?

You’re welcome!

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