Is trust level 3 redeemable?

You can appeal a couple times, and it goes to different CMs.

Until you get the “Final Decision” you can keep appealing.

Next time you appeal, google a few sources showing specific instances of him stealing credit.

Then google other sources of wow forum posts where people talk about Stan Lee’s works on the forum after he died. (Like a thread about an Avengers Movie).

Tell them it’s hypocritical to let people talk about one of his movies after he died if you can’t talk about another aspect of his life after he died.

EDIT: Do not get me wrong, speaking ill of the dead is not a nice thing to do, but it’s also not a forum rule.


Well, insulting a man who just died… is horribly insensitive. Seems fair to me.


Well, this is good to hear. After we switched to the new forums, I was suspended for something I’d said 3 months earlier on the old forums. I was trying very hard to not say anything that anybody could take offensively, and I was suspended for an old thing. How annoying is that? I tried to appeal and they were like “Nope, looks like we did the right thing, you’ll be back in a month.”

The thing that annoyed me most was that it was just a response on a thread defending Blizzard’s choice of charity. I was defending Blizzard.

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But it’s also not against the forum rules.

Morally wrong? Sure. Actually against the rules? No.

Otherwise they’d be handing out 100+ Forum Silences every time a RIP thread pops up when a celebrity dies, and that does not happen.

Akston just happened to get 2 Blues that were Stan Lee fans, and that’s not okay they’re being bias.


If its an insult to mention factually accurate things about what a person is recorded as doing…then I am confused about the word “insult”.


I didn’t flag you, the community did, and then the mods upheld it. The community found it horribly insensitive.

Calling someone a thief is an insult.


Ok. What if the person did steal? And curious. What forum rule did I break?

Famous celebs (among others) get insulted here on the forums all the time. Including the forum’s favorite punching bag, Ion.

My point is the only reason I was banned is because the mod was apparently a big Stan Lee fan and took it personally.


Just be clear an concise.

The post I supposedly was trolling on was a thread discussing areas of the forums that we avoid. This was in the Trust 3-only forum. I stated the area of the forums I avoid and why.

I was not insulting to others, kept my descriptions of it strictly to behaviors I observed and my interpretation of those behaviors. But someone reported it and whoever handled that ticket agreed but the Mod who handled my appeal agreed with me.

The whole process of moderating these forums baffles me though. Sometimes it feels like it is automated because some of the posts I have had action taken on were obviously not… such as listing a bunch of old-school guilds who were the Method of their day (Nihilim, Ensidia, Paragon, etc.) was “Advertising”. Not even a week later comparing the BfA Cooldown with Vanilla’s was “Harassment”. In both cases, the person who handled my appeal didn’t even take a minute to determine that the suspension was not warranted and reversed the ban (which they do by replacing a ban with a new on that starts and ends at the same time).


Folks, I understand the cathartic need to talk about stuff like this.

But they don’t like it when we talk about things like this. They’re pretty firmly against us talking about disciplinary actions.


I said the community flagged you, and they can flag for any little thing.

Talking about someones faults (if they even existed) just after they die is generally considered to be… insensitive.
The mod didn’t ban you for a day the community did, the mod simply upheld the community flag.

Edit: Also, Crepe is right. Besides, it won’t do any good now anyways so why stress over it?

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But it is next to impossible to discuss a flawed system/policy/procedure/etc. without discussing the reasons why though.

It does not work that way. Community flags just bring the post to the mod’s attention and they apply the suspension or not.

Which, ironically, is against the rules. People cannot civilly disagree anymore. They have to try to hurt you too with things like getting you moderated and such.

A problem made worse by the fact that when action is taken, you’re not told what the offending thing is or why your post was deemed to be against the rules. They just quote the entire post rather than the offending text.


Pretty sure it’s all bound up by the community.

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They would never allow that.

The only thing the community can do is flag a post enough times that the system will hide it and force you to click on a link to make it appear.

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No. The mod banned be for 24 hours. The community and flag a post to be hidden. They can not ban. Unless I missed something.

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I think it’s stupid anyway. I got banned on the old forums because someone was verbally attacking me as a father (yes, based on my opinion of something in a video game) and I called him childish and said what he said was ignorant in my reply. I’m not going to be all rainbows and daisies so I just assume at some point I’ll get a temp suspension again if THAT was enough to get a 24 hour zipper. lol

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Maybe, but that’s my impression of things.

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Their rules and they way they are upheld and moderated are wishy washy at best and that should be talked about. It’s hard to respect the rules and moderation when they change with the wind.


They should just reset you back to Level 1, and start over from scratch. Make more likes, get more likes, spend more countless hours scrolling.

If you manage to not get banned again, then, hey, maybe you are redeemed!

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I still have no idea what this trust level thing is, I have seen nothing of it

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I don’t trust it…

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