Maybe it is really about no outside influence. It would be cheating if an assistant outside the duel where casting supportive magic like shields, heals and buffs.
No, we got facts that Garrosh did not interfere at all with Blackhand.
And that Blackhand in AU Draenor is a different character than the main universe Blackhand, different looks including, that is, he was that way already before Garrosh even arrived.
How do you explain that.
Did you read the comic? Because that is not what happened.
Gul’dan was the one in contact with Mannoroth there, not Ner’Zhul and it was not even with Kil’Jaeden like in the Main universe.
Because it happened after Garrosh appeared, maybe it pushed Blackhand to take a bigger risk. As far as we know the setting for alternate draenor was the same. The best we can say is “maybe” but most changes happened when Garrosh got there.
The comics won’t show everything. Garrosh rallying the clan and making it so guldan cannot rule them from the shadow council is certainly something that would change the events. Someone answered the phone because KJ was busy during that time as it wasn’t happening in the same order. Not really anything impossible in my book.
Nope, “no magic” was not spoken. Its like a mage coming to a mak’gora or duel and expected to whack with it. Its not how his class works. The wow movie was allowed to rewrite lore and the whole no magic was made up just to make Gul’dan look bad.
You don’t understand.
Blackhand AU Draenor is a different character than its counterpart in main universe.
I quoted you already the sources. go back and check it. Blizzard even states that.
You can’t argue that Garrosh popping up in AU Draenor, just by getting there, changed Blackhand completely without them even getting in contact.
But you’re just making things up, and you’re ignoring the fact that both timelines had already differences before Garrosh did anything, even though Blizzard retconned the Gul’dan origins in Main universe to follow the same in AU and how the story went well that Kil’Jaeden contacted Gul’dan first.
Nothing you says say it can’t have happened that way. I think we both got it that what I’m making are hypothesis. But I think it’s worse to say that stuff changed because nothing different happened. I think there is a logic that something should have changed, I’m simply implying that the main factor was Garrosh appearance which can have ramifications up to Gul’dan or Blackhand even if indirectly and which happens at the same time that changes occured.
How are you even justifying that.
Everything makes sense when you see AU Draenor as an Alternate Universe, that is, not everything is the same as our main universe. A lot differences.
If you keep treating AU Draenor as a past version of OG Draenor, it will never make sense and you’ll keep trying to find ways to justify your arguments with nonsensical examples like:
- Blackhand being totally different person (literally dude is bald on AU Draenor) because Garrosh arrived there.
- Gul’dan accelerating the contact with the Legion because Garrosh arrived (??) when in the OG story (in Rise of the Horde) it was Kil’jaeden that contacted Ner’zhul first via dreams and only went to Gul’dan after Ner’Zhul saw that he was being played and made the Orcs hostile towards the draenei.
Look, if you can’t get your head around those things I don’t see the point of us continue this discussion because you can’t accept the fact that Garrosh did not fundamentally changed these already existing differences in AU Draenor.
And I haven’t even talked about the fact that Yrel doesn’t exist in Main Universe nor Maraad does exist in AU Draenor. Maraad would’ve remembered about Yrel and Yrel would think about their version of Maraad.
Haven’t you noticed that there aren’t “duplicates” in WoD? Maraad had 100% to be a duplicate in AU Draenor.
idk as a former horde player i feel pretty cheated since he left.
This horse is beyond disintegrated by now.
If this can keep coming up it means we have hope Garrosh can have a way to come back from his disenchanted end.
Even the most recent chronicle made it explicitly clear that Thrall did not cheat:
“…If they were to fight, they would fight at the Stones of Prophecy, at the place where it had all begun. Garrosh placed no limitation on what weapons or skills could be called on in the heat of battle. He saw himself as the superior warrior and wanted there to be no question of his victory.” (page 76)
Thrall was not abandoned by the elements, his connection was/is harmed by his own self-doubt and loathing at having to kill Garrosh. Because Garrosh’s words had shaken him even though he denied them - Garrosh was right. “Until the very last moment, a small part of Thrall saw truth in Garrosh’s words - saw his own failings reflected, magnified, in his former protege”.
Thrall has been eaten up by having to kill Garrosh since. We’ve known Thrall’s inner turmoil was the cause since 7.0, the same patch when he lost his connection.
Words of Wind & Earth (Shaman artifact book, Part 11):
“Through the years, Thrall wielded the Doomhammer with honor and integrity. However, following his execution of the malign warchief Garrosh Hellscream, Thrall felt conflicted. This internal struggle was reflected in the Doomhammer as well. In Thrall’s mind, the weapon that had embodied the ideals of justice and virtue had now come to represent vengeance.”
“History repeated itself as the Doomhammer had once again become a “dead weight.” This has caused many to wonder whether the Doomhammer will reclaim its place as a symbol of righteous wrath.”
The rule about magic has never been a thing, and in fact in their first Mak’gora Thrall also used magic in front of everyone with no issue. IDK why people are making up terms of unknown pacts to be broken and stuff.
If thrall is a cheater then you all must accept Garosh never should have accepted the mantle of warchief after killing Cairne
I thought Aggra was buried in that hole he got his axe from.
People are obsessed with trying to find something to prove that Garrosh wasn’t a psychotic killer and instead was some kind of hero trying to save the Horde from the Alliance. It’s why so many try so hard to latch onto that one quest line where he punishes an orc for attacking non-combatants but ignore all the times he ordered the same thing.
The horde is, from what I’ve seen, heavily split between those that want to be the villains of wow, and those that want to play the savage underdog hero’s.
WoW’s overall story might have been better if he had grown as a character into a real leader for the horde rather than regressed into a despot trying to kill or enslave every non orc. BUT that ship has sailed and its long past time for them to let it go.
Edit: to be clear, this is why I think people get so into trying to push the thrall cheated at the duel argument.
The only people who do that are newcomers who didn’t play Horde back in the days of Cata & before.
In Cata, all the other Horde races despise Garrosh and want to kill him.
Right from the beginning. It wasn’t a “new thing”. It wasn’t something Blizzard “changed”.
That’s who Garrosh was: a cowardly, idiotic loser who ruined everything he approached.
And that’s what he ALWAYS was.
People forget that Garrosh tried to murder Thrall and take over the Horde during Burning Crusade.
Again, Garrosh didn’t “accept” it.
Garrosh’s whole thing was wanting to replace Thrall as warchief, from the moment Garrosh was introduced in Burning Crusade.
But since most people weren’t playing back then, they don’t know these things. And so they fall into the stupid meme arguments.
There has never been a strict set of rules in Mok’gara aside from both being ready and able to fight. Magics, poisons, potions, enchantments have never been outlawed. Garrosh specced too heavily into just melee and lost out to a versatile combatant. Sucks to suck. :o
It’s also been said that armor is not allowed. But Garrosh showed up with armor. So he’s the real cheater.
(that thick skull of his)
Jaina on line 1
Stop making up stories. Never in any lore it is said Armor is not allowed. You pick your choice of weapon and fight an honorable fight.
Saurfang showed up with Armor and Varian sword to fight Sylvanas. Is he a cheater ?
THe only coward was Thrall, he has no honor. He panicked and used magic.