Is there still an active twink community?

If so, what brackets/servers are most active without insanely large que times?

Most twink talk goes on at forums I believe…only twink-related things that get posted here are twink hate threads, really.

That website makes my anti-virus go nuts!

In case you didn’t know, Blizzard has merged the levellers and the twinks, so twinks now plague every bracket and every server (servers are not separate anymore either). IMO, it is sad times in lowbie BG’s for levellers like me.

So, turn off your XP, get your BiS with your unfair advantage and start one-shotting! Good luck and have fun!

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Blizzard never separated levelers and twinks. They only separated folks that didn’t want to gain xp from those that did. Never once was gear a factor in separation.


Who would stay in XPoff other than twinks?

Alright…Blizzard separated the XPoff players from XPon players and low level BG’s were blissfully devoid of twinks for years.

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And then FOTM specs with boas ran train on everything.

All you anti-twink people love to insinuate that without twinks low level bgs were some bastion of balance and fair play. Which for anyone who actually played at those times knows is a load of BS. With or without twinks low lvl bgs have always been the wild west, extreme class imbalance, boa gear vs quest gear, low level enchants and items scaling weird, some classes just having more buttons to press, etc…

The simple fact is that no matter what they do with twinks low level bgs will be a cluster#$!*. So why ruin the playstyle of a whole group of players just to make a very slight difference in bgs that will still be wildly imbalanced anyway?


The simple fact is, I preferred twink free BG’s to the one’s we have now =)

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They were fun, that’s for sure. It was nice to have people actually go for objectives and not listen to someone give themself more credit than earned. Let those folks congregate amongst themselves and be heroes in their own minds in their own world.

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I’ve met some cool ones on both sides last few weeks lvling in bgs. They play more during evenings and weekends. It will be sad if the snowflakes gut this part of the game.